New Digication ePortfolio (retiring June 2020)

Digication ePortfolio is a digital portfolio system that archives student work over time through a broad range of artifacts. Students can submit their course papers, projects, research and more to demonstrate  their progress in achieving academic goals.  ePortfolio can also be used for personal branding, reflections on learning experience and growth, and as an interactive resume to share with mentors, instructors, friends and prospective employers.

The system has been upgraded to New Digication on September 2018, which added many beautiful responsive templates and library features along with flexibility in the customization of layouts and social media. Users can opt to keep their existing portfolios in the Classic mode (old) or build new ones with New Digication.

Learn To Create an ePortfolio Now:

Watch the video tutorials (short and simple) to see the many new features you can use to create and edit your ePortfolio very easily. Feel free to download the two quick references below to begin:

The online guide below, which is organized into Student and Faculty sections for quick answers, is highly recommended for you.

Watch Videos on the Following Topics:

How-to Online References:

Reference For Faculty

Sample ePortfolios:

Questions and Support?