Workshop: Accessibility in iOS

Join us at Luis Perez's lunch workshop on Mobile Learning

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Wednesday, Sept. 23 | 12:00 - 1:30 p.m.
McLaren 250  (Light lunch will be provided.)

Luis Pérez will discuss his experiences with the accessibility of iOS devices and how this can impact learning outcomes. The following topics will be explored:

  • Identifying and using a number of built-in accessibility features of iOS devices to enable learners to overcome barriers in the learning environment.
  • Evaluating and selecting apps for learners with special needs using a framework based on the Universal Design for Learning principles and the SAMR model of technology integration.
  • Using content creation apps on iOS devices to provide creative expression to learners of different levels of ability.


Luis Pérez received his doctorate in special education from the University of South Florida. Luis is the author of Mobile Learning for All: Supporting Accessibility with the iPad, from Corwin Press. In recognition of his accomplishments in the field of educational technology, Luis was selected as an Apple Distinguished Educator (ADE) in 2009. He is the Professional Learning Chair of the Inclusive Learning Network of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). His work has appeared in publications such Teaching Exceptional Children, Closing the Gap Solutions, THE Journal, and The Loop Magazine. In addition to his work in educational technology, Luis is an avid photographer whose work has been featured in The App Whisperer website, the New York Times Bits Blog and the Sydney Morning Herald.