Instructional Design Consultations

The Instructional Design team has aligned Instructional Designers with each of USF's Schools and Colleges to better support faculty in their pursuit of technology-enhanced teaching. You can book a one hour 1:1 session to discuss a teaching challenge, review your course, learn more about aligning your assessments with learning objectives, and more.

Meet our Instructional Designers

Jill Ballard

Jill Ballard
Instructional Designer

Meet with Jill »

Angie Portacio

Angie Portacio
Sr. Instructional Designer

Meet with Angie »

During the Consultation

  • Getting 1:1 support on designing your course for different instructional modalities and strategies for enhancing student engagement
  • Learn more about creating equitable, inclusive courses by implementing Universal Design for Learning (UDL) practices
  • Recommendations for incorporating multimedia and other educational technologies in your course

Instructional Design Liaisons

School/College Instructional Designer
College of Arts and Sciences Jill Ballard
School of Education Angie Portacio
School of Law Angie Portacio
School of Management Angie Portacio
School of Nursing and Health Professions Angie Portacio