Campus Activities Board

Campus Activities Board (CAB) is a student-run organization responsible for planning and coordinating on-campus entertainment at the University of San Francisco. 

At University of San Francisco, Campus Activities Board plans and coordinates various events on-campus. Through these events, the executive board aims to create an atmosphere that encompasses the University's values.

CAB strives to enhance the student experience by offering university-wide programming for students both on-campus and off-campus. By offering a wide variety of events, we hope to initiate student involvement and promote interaction among those in the University's community.

Want to get involved?

While CAB is made up of an executive board of directors who play specific roles in each event, we rely on other students at USF to volunteer their time, ideas, creativity, and school pride in order to help us put on amazing events at USF: this makes up the CAB Street Team. Join our Street Team and make an impact on campus! By getting involved in CAB, you are making an impact on student life here at University of San Francisco. With so many events to choose from, there is something for everyone!

To join our general meetings and get more information about us visit: