I'm going to just connect my classes and sync my roster and connect assignments and all sorts of stuff. Then we're going to do an exam assignment today, a reminder that I'm in my own canvas environment, so things might be a little different. The end of the day is still going to be canvas. Okay. So in my canvas environment here. What we're going to do. Okay. We're going to go to the assignments area. And when we go to assignments, we're not going to create an assignment yet. Actually at all. Right. We're going to click these three dots next to the plus assignment button. Fair warning. I'm going to have multiple grade scopes in here. You're going to have one. When I click those three dots we're going to say great scope. Okay. When I click Grid Scope it's going to recognize my account because I already have an account. If you don't have an account once created for you at that time, and it's going to ask me, do I want to create a new great scope course or because I have an existing account, I can link it to an existing course. We're going to say a new great scope course today. We're going to pretend like I need to set something up for the spring. Um, brand new, I'm going to say a new one, and we're going to say Link course. And right away it's going to ask me the assignment if this is going to an existing grid scope course. I would, uh, I could do an existing grid scope assignment if I wanted to, but because this is a brand new course, I can only do a new grid scope assignment. So I'm going to do a new one today. And then we're going to say link assignment. There are those assignment types. We're going to do exam today. And I'm going to say next. And I'm going to name mine exam delete grid scope. Okay. Um exam delete tells me I can delete it when I'm done. Um, a Linus tier syllabus. Some instructors do like to put great scope in their assignment name, because this isn't only going to create it on the grade scope side, it's also going to create it on the canvas side at the same time. Makes sense for your students.