Course Fee Approval Process

The Office of Administration and Finance would like to remind you that all proposed course fee(s) must be reviewed and approved by the Dean's Office.

For course fees under $100 which have been approved in the past, department chairs should submit the following to the Dean’s Office:

  • Course number, academic term, and CRN
  • Per student course fee amount and brief description of materials the fee will

For all other courses, e.g. new courses with fees under $100 and all courses with course fees over $100, please submit the following information to the Dean's Office no later than 5:00 p.m. on September 20 for courses offered in the spring and on February 20 for fall semester courses. These dates allow the Dean and associate deans time to meet and review each submission.

  1. Approval from your department
    Course fees must be reviewed and approved by faculty in the department in which the course resides. Attach an email from your department chair indicating department approval.
  2. Copy of Course Syllabus
    The course syllabus indicating the fee amount.
  3. Course information
    Course Number, Academic Term (fall/spring/summer, year), and CRN
  4. Course Fee Amount and Description
    The fee amount should be the cost to each student taking the course. Your description should provide details on: how students will use the materials and how the materials contribute to course learning outcomes.

After review, the Dean’s Office will inform the Office of Administration and Finance and the faculty proposing the course fee of their decision.

Once approved for a specific course and faculty member, faculty need not re-submit for approval.

No course fees will be applied without approval from the Dean’s Office.