
Thursday, Mar 04
Your graduation day is less than three months away. We look forward to celebrating you and your accomplishment.
Thursday, Feb 18
After an extensive national search that produced a deep and distinguished pool of candidates, I am pleased to announce that Julia Chinyere Oparah will be USF’s next provost and vice president of academic affairs.
Wednesday, Feb 17
We write today with an update on the next steps following the publication of the independent investigators’ report on allegations of sexual misconduct by members of the men’s soccer team.
Tuesday, Feb 16
We write with an update on the university’s strategic planning process, and with information about the contributions members of this community have made and will continue to make as we proceed with this important process.
Friday, Feb 12
Today marks the beginning of the Lunar New Year festival, the most celebratory time of year across Asia and in other communities around the world.
Wednesday, Feb 10
I write to you regarding the instructional delivery plan for the fall 2021 semester
Tuesday, Feb 09
Throughout this year of COVID-19, we have seen a skyrocketing number of incidents of harassment, hate speech, and racist acts directed at Asians, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islanders.
Friday, Jan 29
It is my sad duty to inform you that Leona Antoinette Lazzareschi Tarantino, wife of USF Board of Trustees Chairman Emeritus Dominic A. Tarantino ’54, died Jan. 25, 2021.
Monday, Jan 25
We write to update you on the investigation into a series of complaints about a former student athlete and allegations of a predatory culture in the men’s soccer program.
Tuesday, Sep 15
September is National Suicide Prevention Month. Everyone has an important role to play when it comes to preventing suicide, not only during September, but all year long.
Friday, Aug 28
In response to requests by USF community members inquiring about the university’s Title IX policies and procedures, the USF administration has issued the following public statement.
Thursday, Aug 20
As USF opens the fall semester, we are facing the dual crises of the continuing pandemic and an early beginning of the wildfire season
Thursday, Aug 06
New York Times report on COVID-19 cases in higher ed
Friday, Jul 31
July 2020 Cabinet response to Boycott USF Tuition Demands
Wednesday, Jun 10
While the events of the last week have been painful and traumatic for so many of us, they have brought forward the devastating impacts of police violence against African Americans in this country. As campus leaders, it is important that we speak out
Saturday, May 30
I have been struggling to find the words to address the horrifically evil events that have taken place in our country this week and over the past month.