CAS Exempt Staff Council


The CAS Exempt Staff Council is dedicated to fostering a supportive and inclusive environment for all exempt staff members in the College of Arts and Sciences. Our mission is to serve as a representative body that advocates for the needs, concerns, ideas, and opportunities of exempt staff across all departments in CAS.  

If you have an area of need, concern, question, or an idea for staff opportunities that you would like to be communicated with the Dean, please use this form for communication with us: 

CAS Exempt Staff Council Submission Form

Any issues concerning the University as a whole should be addressed to the University Staff Council, and PA-related issues should be brought to the CAS PA Council representatives.

Please note that similar to the University Staff Council, or the CAS PA Council, the Exempt Staff Council is not the reporting mechanism for work-related personnel grievances and complaints about employee relations or discrimination. In these cases, Exempt Staff should go directly to  USF’s Human Resources to receive assistance.


Vision and Mission

The CAS Exempt Staff Council is dedicated to fostering a supportive and inclusive environment for all exempt staff members in the College of Arts and Sciences. Our mission is to serve as a representative body that advocates for the needs, concerns, and professional development opportunities of exempt staff across all departments in CAS.

We aim to empower exempt staff members to thrive both personally and professionally, cultivating an environment where everyone feels valued, respected, and supported in the pursuit of their careers. We will ensure all voices are heard within the College of Arts and Sciences unrepresented staff and values of diversity, equity, and inclusivity are core to our mission.

Through collaboration, communication, and engagement, we strive to enhance the overall experience and well-being of staff members, while promoting a culture of respect. We are committed to facilitating transparent dialogue between exempt staff and the Dean’s Office administration, advocating policies and initiatives that recognize the invaluable contributions of staff to the CAS and University community.

The CAS Exempt Staff Council is comprised of 4-5 members who are nominated and elected by sub-area: (a) dean’s office staff; b) graduate programs staff; c) computational technical staff; and, d) technical staff. Elections are held once per academic year every September (beginning September 2025), and council members rotate on and off on October 1. 

The council typically meets four times a semester with the dean and the members of the dean’s office chosen by the dean, with additional working meetings as needed. The meeting agenda is formed by the council based on information solicited from all CAS Exempt Staff through the mechanism of a survey/form that you can find below. The Exempt Staff Council members will produce a monthly report to the exempt staff that summarizes issues, processes, and any solutions that come from monthly meetings with the dean.



  • Katie Baum
  • Matt Helm



  • Kresten Froistad-Martin
  • Fernanda Lopez-Ornelas

Contact Us

CAS Exampt Staff Council

Monday to Friday - 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.