Web Analytics

This web page is meant as an introduction to web analytics, essential terms and definitions and tips/techniques. And, of course, how to request web reports for your website.

What is Web Analytics?

Web analytics is the combination of web reporting with metrics to gain insight for driving web business decisions.The objective of this website is to provide you with the tools you'll need to apply web analytics to your own website(s). With web metrics, you can:

  • Discover who your visitors are
  • Determine what your visitors want to see
  • Make sure visitors find the content they need
  • Deliver an optimized web visit experience
  • Measure the success of online advertising efforts
  • Measure the conversion rate for other website objectives
  • USF Web Analytics

    USF is using Google Analytics to generate web analytics reports. Web analytics can be provided for any USF website in Ektron.  A numerous amount of web metrics can be provided and below will briefly highlight what types of data and reports are available.

    Google Analytics Overview and Demo

  • Here is a link to a video created by Google about Google Analytics: Beginning Analytics: Interpreting and Acting on Your Data
  • The types of reports that can be provided include a dashboard summary of all metrics that are captured, top content view, entrance keywords, traffic sources (where people are coming from) and visitors overview.  
  • Google Analytics provides a nice feature called the Site Overlay which visually shows you your website and an overlay of the page views for each link on your web pages.
  • Requesting Web Reports

    1. Reports can be emailed to you on a scheduled basis. Email webservices@usfca.edu and let us know what types of reports you would like to receive (top content, top keywords, dashboard) and how often you’d like it sent to you.
    2. Read-only access to log-in and view the metrics for your site. If you want this option, you will need to use a gmail address. Let us know your gmail address and we will set-up your access. By having this access, you can click in and see details such as Navigation Summary, Entrance Paths, etc. for individual pages. You can also use the Site Overlay feature to see your website with page view clicks on each link. This would be a great way to see what people are looking at, or more importantly what they are not looking at on your current site.
    For additional information, please contact Web Services at webservices@usfca.edu.