Off-campus Costs

  Living Off-Campus
Direct costs: These costs are included on your bill from USF. It includes specific, fixed (or estimated) costs that you’ll pay for.
Estimated Tuition $13,560
Fees $80
Health Insurance

Semester rate: Fall 2025 $1,708, Spring 2026 $2,392
Subtotal of direct costs: $17,740
Indirect costs: These costs will not show up on your bill from USF. They are estimated costs. For example, you’ll probably need to buy textbooks and school supplies, personal items like clothes and toiletries, and travel expenses if you live far from home and plan to travel back during school breaks. You’ll decide for yourself how and when you make these purchases (and how much you pay). That’s why it’s just an estimate.
Off-campus housing $14,490
Off-campus food $3,705
Books, Course Materials, Supplies, and Equipment $1,089
Transportation $3,292
Personal expenses $4,400
Subtotal of indirect costs: $26,976
Total Cost of Attendance: (Direct + indirect costs. Your bill will be lower than this amount because you will not be charged for indirect costs.) $44,716

On Campus Costs

  Living on campus
Direct costs: These costs are included on your bill from USF. It includes specific, fixed (or estimated) costs that you’ll pay for.
Estimated Tuition $13,560
Fees $80
Health Insurance

Semester rate: Fall 2025 $1,708, Spring 2026 $2,392
Housing $16,018
Subtotal of direct costs: $33,758
Indirect costs: These costs will not show up on your bill from USF. They are estimated costs. For example, you’ll probably need to buy textbooks and school supplies, personal items like clothes and toiletries, and travel expenses if you live far from home and plan to travel back during school breaks. You’ll decide for yourself how and when you make these purchases (and how much you pay). That’s why it’s just an estimate.
Food $5,985
Books, Course Materials, Supplies, and Equipment $1,089
Transportation $1,251
Personal expenses $3,195
Subtotal of indirect costs: $11,520
Total Cost of Attendance: (Direct + indirect costs. Your bill will be lower than this amount because you will not be charged for indirect costs.) $45,278


  • The tuition estimate is based on 8 units. The cost per unit is $1,695.
  • Fees include:
    • $40 AGSUSF fee is applied each fall and spring semester for a total annual fee of $80. This fee funds activities and events of the Associated Graduate Students.
  • Housing and meal costs are estimates based on the average full-time graduate student. See all housing and meal costs.
  • Tuition, fees, housing, and meals costs increase slightly each year. Over the last few years, annual increases have ranged from 2.8% to 4.9%.
  • Graduate students who are registered in 6 or more units will be charged the USF-sponsored health insurance plan for $4,100 to their direct costs. If you’ve waived the USF health insurance because you’re already covered under a plan, you won’t be charged for this.

As required by law, USF determines and publishes Cost of Attendance in compliance with Section 472 of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (20 U.S.C. § 1087ll).