ETS Lunch and Learn: LinkedIn Learning Webinar for USF Employees

Thursday, April 10 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Online — Zoom

Luncha nd Learn Topic Linkin Learning webinar for USF employees

Don’t miss this opportunity to unlock the full potential of LinkedIn Learning for your professional growth. Discover the powerful features of LinkedIn Learning and how it can enhance your professional development. Ivana will be taking us through the new and improved Career Journey tab, which helps users navigate and advance their professional paths by providing personalized learning experiences.

Why Attend

  • Better understand how LinkedIn Learning’s Career Journey features aim to align individual ambitions with professional development by offering targeted learning opportunities and career guidance.
  • Get tailored advice and support from your LinkedIn Learning Customer Success Manager and Account Director.
  • Keep up with the latest trends and best practices in your field by leveraging LinkedIn Learning’s up-to-date content.


Ivana Pham, LinkedIn Learning Customer Success Manager
Katie Pillen, LinkedIn Account Director