Time: Enter Time Worked - Hourly Staff


Hourly staff are encouraged to enter time at the end of each week, and submit at the end of the pay period. This job aid covers four Hourly Staff time entry topics: 1) Enter Time Worked; 2) Auto-Fill from Schedule; 3) Report an Absence Taken; 4) View/Update Your Time Entry.


If your time has been previously submitted, and not yet approved, you will be able to make an update to your time-worked entry.

  1. From the Home Page, click the Time work let.Enter Time Worked-Hourly Staff
  2. Under the Enter Time column, select This Week.

    Enter Time Worked-Hourly Staff
    Note: Entering time for This Week will be the most common practice. The Last Week option will be used to review or correct previous time reported; the Select Week option will allow you to enter a specific date to view in the calendar. The calendar will open. In the top left are arrows to easily navigate to different weeks in the calendar. In the top right are real-time calculations for the time you have entered: Regular, Overtime, Overtime 2X, Paid Time Off, Comp Time (if applicable), and Total Hours.
    Enter Time Worked-Hourly Staff

  3. Click the day in the Enter Time Worked-Hourly Staffcalendar for which you would like to enter time.
  4. In the Enter Time box, click the Time Type drop-down and select the appropriate Time Entry Code.
    You will only see Time Entry Codes available for your position: Regular Hours, or Overtime to Compensatory. In this example, we selected Regular Hours.
  5. Enter the number of Hours.
    IMPORTANT: If you work more than 7.5 hours in a day and want the additional hours to be paid as Overtime, simply enter the total hours worked for the day and Workday will automatically calculate the overtime. If you are eligible to cover any day or portion of a day with Comp time, you will need to create two separate time entries: one to enter the number of Regular Hours worked; and a second to enter the number of Compensatory Hours used.
  6. Click OK. The time entry will appear in your calendar with a status of "Not Submitted." Continue entering time for the week.
  7. Click Submit at the end of the pay period. The entry will be sent to your manager for approval.Enter Time Worked-Hourly Staff


Enter Time Worked-Hourly StaffNext to the Submit button, you will see an Enter Time option that provides several shortcuts for entering and viewing your hours. Most of these are self-explanatory. Here we will show you how to use the Auto-fill from Schedule option (accessible to OPE staff).

  1. Click the Enter Time button.
  2. Select Auto-fill from Schedule. Your current schedule will appear.
    Enter Time Worked-Hourly Staff
  3. Click OK.

    This will auto-populate the scheduled hours for each day onto the time calendar. You can make changes by clicking in the date on the calendar and updating the Time Entry Box.
    Enter Time Worked-Hourly Staff

  4. Click Submit at the end of the pay period. The entry will be sent to your manager for approval.

REPORT AN ABSENCE TAKENEnter Time Worked-Hourly Staff

You can report any day or portion of a day that you used absence hours such as Sick, Bereavement, Jury Duty, Comp Time, etc. Also, if you previously requested time off, and the request was approved, you will be able to see these entries in your calendar as well.

  1. Click the day in the calendar for which you would like to use absence hours.
  2. In the Enter Time box, select the Time Type: Absence (instead of Time Entry Codes).
  3. Select the appropriate Absence. (In this example, we selected Jury Duty).

    Note: You may need to use the scrollbar on the right see all absence types available.

  4. Enter the number of Hours.
  5. Click OK.


If your time has been previously submitted, and not yet approved, you will be able to make an update to your time-worked entry.

  1. Click the time entry in the calendar that you would like to edit.
  2. In the Enter Time box, make necessary edits to the Time Type, Absence Type, or Hours.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Click Submit. Your original time-worked entry will be revised and sent to your Manager for approval.