AED Locations

1 Capitol Mall (Sacramento Campus) 1st Floor Inside the Lunchroom
101 Howard (Downtown Campus) 1st Floor Outside SFH 122 near the main elevators
281 Masonic 2nd Floor Hallway next to restrooms
Cowell Hall 1st Floor Lobby
Fromm Institute 1st Floor Main Entrance across from administrative office
Fromm Residence Hall 1st Floor Hallway next to elevator
Gillson Residence Hall 1st Floor Elevator Lobby
Gleeson Library 1st Floor Main Entrance next to the elevator
Gleeson Library 2nd Floor Above the Main Entrance next to the elevator
Harney Science Building 1st Floor Inside room 110
Harney Science Building 1st Floor Hallway - West Entrance by room 127
Kalmanovitz Hall 1st Floor Hallway by the atrium
Kendrick Law School 1st Floor Main Entrance (Fulton Street)
Hayes Healy Residence Hall 1st Floor Hallway across from front desk
Koret Health and Recreation Center Level 1 Equipment Desk
Koret Health and Recreation Center M1 Upper Cardio room by Sun Deck
Koret Health and Recreation Center M2 Front Desk
Lone Mountain East - Building 1 - Residence Hall 2nd Floor Kitchen/lounge area
Lone Mountain East - Building 2 - Residence Hall 1st Floor Lounge area by hallway to laundry room
Lone Mountain East - Building 2 - Residence Hall 4th Floor Internal Staircase - Westside
Loyola House 1st Floor Hallway across from Kitchen
Lone Mountain Main - Cafe 1st Floor Hallway near restrooms
Lone Mountain Main 2nd Floor Hallway across from the Welcome Center.
Lone Mountain Main 3rd Floor Hallway near room 346b by Rossi Wing
Lone Mountain North Residence Hall 1st Floor Hallway near the restrooms
Loyola Village - Building A 1st Floor Lobby next to entrance
Malloy Hall  (School of Management) 1st Floor Hallway by room 120 near elevator
Malloy Hall (School of Management) 2nd Floor Across from elevator by room 230
Malloy Pavilion - Athletics Courtside North/West Court near stairs to Memorial Gym
McLaren Conference Center 1st Floor Lobby near restrooms
Memorial Gym (Sobrato Center) Courtside South/West Court Entrance
Negoesco Field Soccer Field Exterior Announcer Booth
Toler Residence Hall  1st Floor Hallway lobby next to mailboxes
Toler Residence Hall 5th Floor Hallway near Westend stairwell
Student Disability Services Grnd Floor Main Office by kitchen
School of Education 1st Floor Hallway next to copier
SI Church 1st Floor West Entrance
Ulrich Field Baseball Field Hallway behind Home Dugout
University Center 1st Floor Main stairwell
University Center 3rd Floor Main stairwell
Zief Law Library 1st Floor Main entrance