AED Locations
1 Capitol Mall (Sacramento Campus) | 1st Floor | Inside the Lunchroom |
101 Howard (Downtown Campus) | 1st Floor | Outside SFH 122 near the main elevators |
281 Masonic | 2nd Floor | Hallway next to restrooms |
Cowell Hall | 1st Floor | Lobby |
Fromm Institute | 1st Floor | Main Entrance across from administrative office |
Fromm Residence Hall | 1st Floor | Hallway next to elevator |
Gillson Residence Hall | 1st Floor | Elevator Lobby |
Gleeson Library | 1st Floor | Main Entrance next to the elevator |
Gleeson Library | 2nd Floor | Above the Main Entrance next to the elevator |
Harney Science Building | 1st Floor | Inside room 110 |
Harney Science Building | 1st Floor | Hallway - West Entrance by room 127 |
Kalmanovitz Hall | 1st Floor | Hallway by the atrium |
Kendrick Law School | 1st Floor | Main Entrance (Fulton Street) |
Hayes Healy Residence Hall | 1st Floor | Hallway across from front desk |
Koret Health and Recreation Center | Level 1 | Equipment Desk |
Koret Health and Recreation Center | M1 | Upper Cardio room by Sun Deck |
Koret Health and Recreation Center | M2 | Front Desk |
Lone Mountain East - Building 1 - Residence Hall | 2nd Floor | Kitchen/lounge area |
Lone Mountain East - Building 2 - Residence Hall | 1st Floor | Lounge area by hallway to laundry room |
Lone Mountain East - Building 2 - Residence Hall | 4th Floor | Internal Staircase - Westside |
Loyola House | 1st Floor | Hallway across from Kitchen |
Lone Mountain Main - Cafe | 1st Floor | Hallway near restrooms |
Lone Mountain Main | 2nd Floor | Hallway across from the Welcome Center. |
Lone Mountain Main | 3rd Floor | Hallway near room 346b by Rossi Wing |
Lone Mountain North Residence Hall | 1st Floor | Hallway near the restrooms |
Loyola Village - Building A | 1st Floor | Lobby next to entrance |
Malloy Hall (School of Management) | 1st Floor | Hallway by room 120 near elevator |
Malloy Hall (School of Management) | 2nd Floor | Across from elevator by room 230 |
Malloy Pavilion - Athletics | Courtside | North/West Court near stairs to Memorial Gym |
McLaren Conference Center | 1st Floor | Lobby near restrooms |
Memorial Gym (Sobrato Center) | Courtside | South/West Court Entrance |
Negoesco Field | Soccer Field | Exterior Announcer Booth |
Toler Residence Hall | 1st Floor | Hallway lobby next to mailboxes |
Toler Residence Hall | 5th Floor | Hallway near Westend stairwell |
Student Disability Services | Grnd Floor | Main Office by kitchen |
School of Education | 1st Floor | Hallway next to copier |
SI Church | 1st Floor | West Entrance |
Ulrich Field | Baseball Field | Hallway behind Home Dugout |
University Center | 1st Floor | Main stairwell |
University Center | 3rd Floor | Main stairwell |
Zief Law Library | 1st Floor | Main entrance |