2016 Programming Session 2
Below is the full list of programs offered for Programming Session 2.
Read through each of the descriptions below and select one that you wish to attend.
If a program room become full, you may be asked to attend another program session, so have a backup prepared!
Conflict Management Styles
Jenny Sink, SOM Honors Program Sophomore Rep, Resident Advisor, SLC Planning Committee
Jose Esquer-Romero, Magis Emerging Leadership Program Mentor
Program Theme(s): Filters
Location: Cowell 414
If you’re involved in group projects and leadership ventures, there is one valuable key to being successful, conflict management. Everyone, at some point in their life, will run into conflict. So why not learn how to deal with it now? Join us for a group discussion and interactive activity to discover your conflict management style today and apply it tomorrow!
Out of Focus?
Larry Figueroa, Peer Advisor for the Peer Advising Team (PAT)
Christian-Moreno Polak, Peer Advisor for the Peer Advising Team (PAT)
Program Theme(s): Focus
Location: Cowell 417
Are your organization's members losing interest? Motivation? Commitment? All of the above? In this session we will discuss some of the reasons why members might seem unmotivated to participate fully in their organizations as well as some tips to get them inspired and focused.
Get in Sync with OrgSync!
Carla Christensen, Assistant Director for Student Organizations
Program Theme(s): Focus
Location: Lo Schiavo 103
Are you trying to optimize communication and resources for your student organization, but just don't know where to start? Come learn new tips and tricks on how OrgSync can help you communicate, collaborate, and get organized. Who says efficiency can't be fun?
Event Planning & The Student Activity Fee
Henna Samtani, ASUSF Vice President of Finance
Program Theme(s): Focus
Location: Cowell 314
Are you a new organization at USF, and is trying to figure out how to apply for event funding? Or even an experienced organization trying to figure out how to better plan your events? Join us for the Student Activity Fee & Event Funding discussion to learn more about the relation between the two, and how a greater understanding of it can help you better plan your events.
Dons Do Something About It
Leisha Ishikawa, Health Promotion Services Peer Educator
Kalmia Beets, Health Promotion Services Peer Educator
Ali Dubbs, Health Promotion Services Peer Educator
Program Theme(s): Focus
Location: Cowell 316
Dons Do Something About It program works through the Health Promotion Services Department on campus to increase student awareness of responsible drinking and active bystander intervention. Our aim is never to lecture students or tell them what to do, but rather to arm them with the knowledge and tools that will aid them in making healthy decisions. In other words, we do not advocate for a dry campus, but rather a smart and safe one.
Brand Identity
Ashley Lynn Simon, ASUSF Vice President of Public Relations
Program Theme(s): Lenses & Focus
Location: Kalmanovitz Hall 163
What comes to people’s minds when they see your organization’s brand? The public’s perception of your organization is key to overall reputation. You want them to look at your “brand” and have an idea of your organization’s values in its mission. Take this opportunity to confidently reflect your organizations mission through your logo, slogan, etc., and set a tone for yourselves. After all, brand identity is the first step to success!
Special Interest Programs
**Attending one of these programs lasts for Sessions 2 & 3**
Student Organization President Round Table
Shaya Kara, ASUSF President
Program Theme(s): Lenses, Filters, & Focus
Location: Kalmanovitz Hall 367
Are you the President of your organization? If so, join us for a roundtable discussion! We will discuss our goals for the year, initiatives, collaboration opportunities, best practices, and self-care strategies.
New Member Education Process
Mackayme Gutierrez, Greek Council Vice President for Membership
Greek Council Executive Board
Location: Harney 232
This session is for New Members of the Greek Community here at USF. These sessions will focus on learning about the Greek community here at USF as well as important information that will better serve New Members as they join the Greek Community.