University of San Francisco - VPN Connectivity

Connecting to the USF Network over VPN

Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a secured and protected connection between two devices connected over the internet.  The University of San Francisco uses the Global Protect client to provide VPN access to the USF Network.  

You will need to have the Global Protect VPN Client installed on your computer to access the USF network over VPN.  Computers provided by USF should already have the software preinstalled. 

If you need to download Global Protect, you may access the following page for instructions: 
How Do I: Install Global Protect to Access VPN?

There are several VPN connection methods available, please choose the option that best suites you below:

Open All

Students and Board of Trustees Members may connect to the USF network with their USF username and password
Please configure your Global Protect client to connect to as outline in the guide linked below.

How Do I: Use The Global Protect VPN Client?

Faculty, Staff & Student Workers are required to use Multi-Factor Authentication
You may use either the Duo Mobile multi-factor authentication application, or a RSA token fob.

Push Notification from Duo Mobile Application - To utilize push notifications with the Duo Mobile app as your MFA token, please configure your Global Protect client to connect to  After entering your USF username and password, you will be prompted to authenticate with Duo via a push notification on your mobile device.  You may download the Duo Mobile app on your cell phone or other mobile device from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.
* If you are a student worker, you must work with the Help Desk to get Duo Mobile set up

How Do I: Connect to SVPN (Secure Virtual Private Network)?

RSA Token Fob or Passcode from Duo Mobile Application - To utilize your assigned RSA fob as your MFA token, please configure your Global Protect client to connect to  After entering your USF username and password, you will be prompted to enter the passcode found either on your RSA token fob or your Duo Mobile app at the time of the connection request.
* also supports push notifications from Duo Mobile and may be used as a backup portal should become unavailable

How Do I: Connect to Prisma Global Protect VPN?