Facilities - Staff Spaces

Below are steps that the USF’s Facilities Department has identified and intends to take to prepare the residence halls, offices, classrooms, dining facilities, and other spaces to be reoccupied on the Hilltop and 101 Howard campuses once shelter-in-place orders are rescinded or modified to permit residential activities and on-site instruction.

View Planned Custodial Services

Questions and requests should be directed to the Facilities Help Desk at (415) 422-6464.

All Buildings

  • Provide hand sanitizers at each entrance.
  • On instructional days, provide sanitizing supplies in each classroom for the use of occupants throughout the work day.
  • Clean and restock all common area restrooms, disinfect surfaces prior to the start of the workday, and refresh at least once during the day.

Customer Service Help Desks

  • Individual departments must determine what their customer service experience should look like. They should carefully weigh the health and safety of their staff and patrons as part of the overall experience. In most cases, customers should be assisted virtually – via email, the phone, or teleconference. This practice will allow Facilities to distribute limited resources to those with the highest degree of need.
  • Customer service help desks must adhere to the six feet of separation rule. This distance applies both to the seating of the help desk employees as well as the queue lines for customers.
  • Requests for customer service help desk modifications must be endorsed by the appropriate Dean or Associate Vice President. Those requests shall be forwarded to Facilities for final approval.
  • Facilities shall provide physical distancing markers for the floor and if necessary provide a plexiglass guard (See Appendix D) to be placed between the customer and the customer service provider.
  • Appropriate signage directing the customer to initiate their request via email, phone, or teleconference shall be provided and posted by the individual department.

Office Spaces

  • Individual office operational considerations are left to the occupants of each unit. Facilities will adjust moveable furniture to accommodate appropriate physical distancing when reasonably possible.
  • Clean and disinfect common areas on a daily basis overnight, paying particular attention to high touch surfaces (door handles, light switches, etc.). Office kitchenettes will close by July 31st, 2020 to comply with SF Department of Public Health directives and will remain closed until SFDPH approves their reopening. They will be cleaned one final time by that date.
  • Facilities will provide plexiglass barriers for use at a limited number of transaction points. These are to be deployed only when there are no other reasonable alternatives, such as using email or telephone consultations. Please recognize that business cannot be conducted as it was in the pre-COVID-19 world. Practices must be altered to accommodate limited resources such as plexiglass barriers. Please, only use face-to-face engagements as a last resort.

Dining Facilities

  • Bon Appetit, the University’s food service provider, will be determining an operational model for reopening.
  • With the advice of Bon Appetit, Facilities will inventory the seating area within the dining facility to determine the most efficient seating arrangement that complies with physical distancing requirements.
  • Rearrange and consolidate excess seating, or place signage at individual seating locations to promote proper physical distancing and separation.
  • On a daily basis, clean and disinfect seating and high touch areas.
  • Establish distanced seating on Privett Plaza.


  • Facilities shall provide a total of three plexiglass barriers for use at work stations deemed essential for face-to-face customer service / circulation desks.
  • Restrooms in Library buildings will be cleaned and disinfected overnight by Facilities custodians and are refreshed at least once during the day.
  • Refresh includes restocking products, wiping down and disinfecting high touch areas such as faucets, countertops, door handles, etc.

Restrooms (Non-Residential)

  • Restrooms in office buildings and classroom buildings are cleaned and disinfected overnight by Facilities custodians and are refreshed at least once during the day.
  • Refresh includes restocking products, wiping down and disinfecting high touch areas (faucets, countertops, door handles, etc.).
  • Patrons are reminded not to enter a restroom while it is being cleaned, both for their own safety and to allow the custodian to do their job.


  • Unless otherwise directed, elevator capacity will be restricted to no more than two riders. Each rider must position themselves to be in one of the corners of the elevator car to promote physical distancing to the greatest extent possible.
  • Patrons who cannot physically use the stairs because of a disability or medical condition shall have priority for using elevators.
  • Facilities will place marks in the corners on the elevator floor to promote physical distancing.
  • Hand sanitizer shall be provided inside each elevator.
  • Elevator buttons, handrails, and other high touch surfaces shall be wiped down and disinfected twice daily.

Intercollegiate Athletic Spaces

  • Facilities shall provide hand sanitizing stations in each operating locker room that is available and open for use.
  • Facilities shall clean the courts, locker rooms, weight rooms, and other training and sports medicine facilities prior to the start of each day.
  • Facilities custodians are not responsible for cleaning up clothing and gear left on the floor or otherwise not properly put away.
  • Operating Memorial Gym locker rooms shall be refreshed at least once each day.
  • Refresh will include disinfecting high touch items such as door handles, light switches, faucet knobs, sink countertops, etc.
  • When fan attendance is permitted again at sporting events, Facilities will work with the Athletic Director to properly mark seats to ensure physical distancing is maintained.

Koret Health and Recreation Center

  • Restroom facilities will be cleaned and disinfected once per day.
  • Hand sanitizers shall be placed at the entrance to each hallway or room where there are exercise machines or exercise classrooms. Koret will provide the refills or reimburse Facilities via FOAP.
  • Sanitary wipes will be provided by Koret in each exercise area for patrons to wipe down the equipment prior to use. Koret staff will provide additional cleaning through the day and between uses, but it is ultimately the individual’s responsibility to ensure their equipment is disinfected prior to using it.
  • During Fall Semester, shower facilities, lockers for storage, and areas for changing will not be provided. These areas will be cordoned off to prevent their use, while still allowing use of the sinks and toilets. 
  • It is not anticipated that locker or shower facilities will be available at least until 2021. When shower facilities do become available, Facilities will turn off or disconnect some of the showers to ensure six feet of separation can be maintained.
  • Facilities will provide one plexiglass barrier for use at the Front Desk and Entrance turnstile (for a total of two). Once the Equipment Checkout Desk reopens, a barrier will be provided there if it is still required.