Dates and Agendas
- Member confirmations
- New Program and certificate process
- Subgroups - marketing, recruitment, communication, events, admission operations
- Recruitment events - share out of what we are attending where representation can be coordinated
- Slate cycle prep / clean up and updates
- Fall enrollment planning and update from each school/college
- Marketing planning and best practice (w/ members of OMC)
- What was most effective in the last couple of years
- Shared reporting/data (tableau report requests/updates) - what do we use and what do we want to ask CIPE to create? What is useful for leadership?
- Slate resources - Oscar
- Fall recruitment reflection and learnings
- Spring enrollment updates
- Admitted student events and yield activities
- Admitted student events for specific affinity groups?
- Housing, Fin aid and ISSS webinars for newly admitted graduate students
- Financial Aid packaging/Coordination (w/ members of finaid team)
- GAC lunch and reflections on the working group. What has been productive, what should we add for next year?