File Name Conventions
To ensure quality and uniformity, all reproductions of the University of San Francisco visual identity must be taken directly from approved artwork. A file nomenclature system has been developed to help you select the appropriate logo for your needs. Please be sure to refer to the rest of this guide to ensure proper use of all artwork.
File Extensions
EPS les are for both Mac and PC platforms. These EPS files are for offset printing, and are vector files that can be enlarged to any size. While the term “high rez” is not applicable to vector art, these EPS files are the equivalent for logos. If you are asked for a high rez logo, most likely, you should provide an EPS file.
GIFs have a small file size. Instead of CMYK or PMS, these are RGB. RGB (red, green, blue) is illuminated color. This is how all colors are derived on monitors (e.g., web, PowerPoint, and television). GIFs are commonly used in Microsoft Word, websites and PowerPoint presentations. If placed on a dark background, you will see an undesirable white rectangle around the GIF, and you should use PNG to avoid this.
PNGs are RGB files that have a transparent background. These are used for electronic templates such as Microsoft Word, websites and PowerPoint presentations. PNGs are often more versatile and higher quality than GIFs.