Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here lie answers to the nitty-gritty questions you have about being an RD at USF.

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Staff are encouraged to be intentional in their community through formal (supporting residents in crisis, conduct meetings, wellness checks) and informal venues (eating meals at the cafe, engaging with them in your lounges or around campus).

It is what you make it, and we welcome the various styles of engagement that our RDs bring to the communities.


We typically have one RD serve as the advisor to the Residence Hall Association (RHA). ARDs serve as advisors for their building Residence Hall Council (RHC).

We also have one or two RDs serve as advisors for our RAs attending the Student Leadership Zoom In Conference, previously known as Northern Student Leadership Drive-In (NSLDI).

An RD will co-supervise a student staff team anywhere from 8 - 16 RAs with one Assistant Residence Director.


Typically, if there are position openings in the summer between academic years, RDs are able to transition communities should they choose. Departmental needs may also be taken into account.


During your time at USF, you are encouraged to engage with departmental, campus, and national levels of professional development to obtain higher level of competencies. You will work with your supervisor during your tenure to develop your professional development plan.

 We take a highly administrative approach to our summer work, and RDs engage with departmental projects during this time. Minimal summer housing and conference support occurs over the summer, with the exception of one RD who oversees summer student housing.

We welcome candidates regardless of faith and spiritual identities. Furthermore, no statement of faith is required nor are students and staff required to attend mass or engage in other Catholic practices.

We are a values-based institution, and our mission guides our work. We exist in the Jesuit tradition, which tends to be on the liberal side of Catholic values. Prayers may be said prior to meetings, but staff are not required to actively engage.


RDs engage with faculty for work in Living Learning Communities (LLC), all of which are transitioning to Toler this year, and therefore will be overseen by the Toler RD and ARD.

RDs engage regularly with campus partners for various collaborative efforts throughout the year. Some examples of ways RDs have worked with campus partners in the past involve:

  • Joining a university-wide committee
  • Joining a faculty/staff affinity group on campus
  • Collaborating with Health Promotion Services on SAAM programming
  • Volunteering for the Womxn of Color conference planning committee
  • Producing a series on body image with the Cultural Centers