Survivor Testimonials
- "Since the assault, I've regarded my body as something almost like a traitor or foreign. This program has helped me feel more comfortable in my skin. I feel strong and beautiful. I feel like I'm in control of my body again."
- "I gained my body, spirit, and mind back. I gained confidence, openness, and courage. I gained strength, assertiveness, and knowledge to carry me for a lifetime. I gained myself back."
- "This program helped me find my inner voice. Peace. Some courage to be myself and communicate my needs/wants to others. I'm learning how to speak up for myself. This yoga class has changed my life."
- "Prior to the program, I was having difficulty with eating. When I would get stressed, either emotionally or with school, I would have a panic attack and eat until I ‘felt better.’ I felt that the satisfaction from eating, as if I was hungry, calmed me down. I have gained 30 pounds since I was raped, but I am proud to say that since the beginning of yoga, I have been able to control my emotions way better and have stopped eating/binging. "
- "Because of this yoga program, I was able to become intimate with my boyfriend again. Because of this yoga program, I was able to feel like I was whole again in a way I could not recognize. Because of this yoga program, I was able to move from a place of anger to a place of forgiveness and inner-peace."
- “Along with yoga, I am also attending counseling in which, because of yoga, I have been able to open up more when it comes to talking and expressing myself.”
- “For the first time, in a really, really long time- I feel like my body is my own.”