2025-2026 on-campus student housing application coming up!

Student Housing is still accepting housing applications for current undergraduate, law, and graduate students who want to live on-campus during the 2025–2026 academic year. 

What's the Housing Lottery?

All continuing, undergraduate students who correctly submit a housing application between Feb. 1 and Mar. 1 at 11:59 p.m. PST. will receive a housing selection time slot. Based on the housing time slot they are given, students will be able to select a bed space that they are eligible for until spaces fill up. Therefore, completing a housing application by the deadline does not guarantee that students will receive on-campus housing, but it does guarantee that they will receive a housing time slot during the room selection process. 

Graduate and School of Law students will not participate in the housing lottery, and be assigned bed spaces if space permits in June 2025.

It's strongly encouraged that all continuing students view the Student Housing Continuing Students webpage for more information about the housing selection process as well as the Forms and Documents webpage to view the housing contracts associated with the application they are filling out. 

Rising Sophomores, Class of 2028

It is important to note that rising second-year students will be guaranteed housing as part of the two-year housing guarantee. Second-year students are only guaranteed housing if they apply by the deadline and select a room during room selection. If a second-year student misses their room selection timeslot, they will not be guaranteed a room and will be added to the waitlist.

How do I apply?

Before applying, please read the following information to ensure you apply using the correct housing application. Here are the options: 

  • Academic Year 2025–2026: Undergraduate students who will be under 21 years of age during the 2025–2026 academic year should only fill out this application. 
  • Academic Year 2025–2026, Loyola Village (LV), Fulton House (FH), St Anne’s (SA): Undergraduate students who will be 21 years of age or older during the 2025–2026 academic year should only fill out this application. General graduate students can also fill this application out for possible placement in the Loyola Village Townhouses or St. Anne’s. School of Law students should fill out this application for placement in St. Anne’s.

Questions about Room Selection?

We want to assist our students further as they plan on preparing for room selection. Please come visit Student Housing staff:

  • March 18th 11:30AM-1PM at Lone Mountain North Cafeteria by the Bridge

Have any questions about the housing application process? Please call Student Housing at (415) 422-6824 or email us at studenthousing@usfca.edu. We look forward to receiving your housing application by March 1st!

Apply today!