
Monday, Jan 03
Current research indicates that a booster shot significantly raises the level of protection in those who have been fully vaccinated. COVID-19 boosters will be required for all students as soon as you are eligible.
Wednesday, Dec 22
Last week, with great joy, USF returned to hosting in-person commencement ceremonies for undergraduate and graduate students. It was a gift to witness the celebrations they had with faculty, staff mentors, friends and — especially — family.
Monday, Nov 22
As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, I know that many of you are looking forward to spending time with family and friends — and perhaps a few days of rest and relaxation — before the busy days that will mark the end of the fall semester.
Wednesday, Nov 17
Congratulations! Today, after 19 months of pandemic and after many months of waiting, I am delighted to announce that your commencement ceremony will take place — in person, inside St. Ignatius Church, on Friday, April 8, 2022.
Friday, Oct 22
I am writing to update the university community on the work and conversations that have taken place since the publication of the Sports Illustrated article
Wednesday, Oct 13
The strategic planning core committee is pleased to share that the draft strategic plan page is now available, and we welcome your feedback.
Thursday, Sep 30
The Sports Illustrated story highlights serious harms that occurred within our USF community. I recognize the immense courage it takes for someone to speak about their experiences with sexual violence and misconduct.
Tuesday, Aug 24
Over the past few days, it has been wonderful to welcome new undergraduate and graduate students and to welcome back our continuing students.
Friday, Aug 06
In planning for the semester, we continue to focus on doing everything we can to keep our entire community — students, faculty, staff, parents, family members, and visitors — as safe and comfortable as possible.
Tuesday, Jul 20
I am overjoyed to write my first message to the USF community in my new capacity as provost and vice president of academic affairs.
Wednesday, Jul 07
With a number of significant announcements from the city and state in the last few weeks, we are pleased to share updates to policies and protocols that will guide campus life this fall.
Monday, May 24
Vaccination of everyone who works at USF is critical to preventing the spread of COVID-19 and the return to regular, in-person experiences on our campuses.
Monday, May 24
Vaccines are crucial to having a safe, healthy environment at USF and in our broader community. We encourage you to get a vaccine as soon as you are able to do so.
Wednesday, May 19
USF is dedicated to teaching and practicing universal respect for the dignity of every person. We stand in solidarity with all of the peace workers currently advocating for a ceasefire, and we support every effort to reach a just and lasting peace...
Wednesday, May 12
In observance of what Juneteenth commemorates and celebrates, and in recognition of the renewed call for progress on social justice in the United States, USF has added this day as an official annual university holiday.
Wednesday, May 12
On behalf of the Academic Spaces Working Group, we are pleased to announce increased and streamlined access to individual study spaces at the Gleeson Library, Zief Library, and Downtown Campus.
Monday, May 10
Over the course of the past year, the President’s Cabinet and the Council of Deans have held extensive conversations about the future of the university’s Pleasanton Campus.
Tuesday, May 04
Mary Wardell-Ghirarduzzi, vice provost for antiracism, diversity, equity, and inclusion (ADEI), is leaving USF for a position at University of the Pacific.
Friday, Apr 30
As you know, we are committed to and preparing for a primarily in-person fall semester, and we continue to work closely with the San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH) in regard to COVID-19 safety measures.
Wednesday, Apr 21
As we continue to process the guilty verdicts in the Derek Chauvin trial and remember the life of George Floyd, we invite you to come together tomorrow for a moment of reflection, solidarity, and hope.