Canvas LTI Apps

Canvas supports LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability®), a technology standard that makes it possible to integrate third-party tools within your Canvas course, as well as enhance your course with a Web applications and resources. Many vendors and publishers provide online learning activities and tools that integrate with Canvas via LTI. 

USF Approved and Vetted LTIs

The table below provides the list of vendor tools that are already configured and are available in USF Canvas or have been requested and are in the process of being vetted for security and privacy. Some of these tools are installed and available in all Canvas courses, while some may only be configurable in certain courses, as they were requested by an individual user or department. 

If you would like to configure and use a particular LTI that does not appear on the list, please complete the university Technology Request Acquisition (TAR) form. Please note once the form is received by the ITS security department, the approval process may take up to 30 days for approval. 

How to enable AN LTI IN a canvas course

Course Settings: Canvas App Center

The Canvas App Center provides a list external tools that integrate via LTI. These have been reviewed and approved by USF for use in your courses. The App Center makes it easy to add these vetted tools to your course. Learn more about the Canvas App Center. Instructors may still need to contact the vendor directly for licensing and activation and support. Please note, beginning on June 1st 2023, instructors will not be able search for and add new LTI apps to their courses through the App center; instructors will only be able to activate LTI apps that are currently listed.


Course Settings: Navigation Menu

Many LTIs installed at the Canvas account or sub account level can be enabled in a course from the Canvas Course Settings menu under the Navigation tab. In the Navigation tab, select the desired tool and select enable from the  bottom navigation list.

Canvas Cours SettingsMenu

Request Configuration from ITS

If you need to install an approved and vetted LTI from the list above, but it is not available in the Canvas App Center or the Course Settings menu, please contact the ITS department