Praxis of Encounter Conference: Forming Catholic Leaders for a Public & Synodal Church
Conference Schedule
May 21st-23rd 2025, University of San Francisco
Wednesday, May 21
4pm |
Keynote Emilce Cuda, Secretary of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America, Organizing and the Pope’s Vision for the Church |
5pm |
Liturgy Celebrant: Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator SJ, Dean of Jesuit School of Theology and Synod Delegate |
Thursday, May 22
9am |
Keynote The social science of what makes organizations thrive and effective in justice work Hahrie Han, Johns Hopkins University |
10:30am |
Panel This work in praxis - A view from the field
12pm | Lunch |
1:30pm |
Panel The Relationship between The Catholic Academy and Social Movements
3:30pm |
Panel Race, Gender and Organizing, implications and struggles
5pm | Liturgy |
Friday, May 23
9am |
Panel Interfaith Leadership Formation
10:45am |
Panel Facing Challenges in the Church - how can organizers and theologians and formators work together?