CASA's Core Services
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Center for Academic and Student Achievement (CASA)
University Center, 3rd Floor
2130 Fulton St.
San Francisco, CA 94117-1045
Tel: (415) 422-5050
Fax: (415) 422-2133
Instagram: @usfca_casa
Monday-Friday 9 AM - 5 PM
In CASA, we are committed to:
Empowering students through coaching to achieve academic success.
One-on-one meetings serve as opportunities for you to talk about any academic concerns that you may have before they turn into bigger issues. This allows our success coaches to understand what is going in your life which may be impacting your academics. Together you may create an action plan that could include referrals to campus resources. We believe that these focused conversations are critical to student success, and help forge strong relationships with your success coach. We invite you to engage in these meetings as often as necessary, for ongoing support throughout the semester and your career at USF.
Providing a supportive environment that promotes personal growth and the values of a Jesuit education.
In the spirit of cura personalis, we aim to support the whole person and foster your growth. At CASA, we believe in every student’s potential for success, and our purpose is to help you graduate. We encourage all students to feel comfortable in asking for help and opening up about challenges. We look forward to guiding you along your academic journey, and celebrating in your achievements and important milestones along the way -- especially on graduation day!
Connecting students to academic programs and resources on campus designed to support their success.
CASA staff are very knowledgeable about the various university programs and services offered by different departments on campus. Success coaches make referrals that connect students to the appropriate campus resources. From Student Life resources to academic departments, there are many opportunities for support. Your success coach, through in-depth conversations and assessments, can help facilitate these connections when you are unclear about where to go or how to get started.
Helping students develop skills to successfully meet the demands of USF’s rigorous curriculum.
Academic success takes significant commitment and effort. CASA can offer you ways to expand and harness your academic skills. We understand that every individual has different strengths and weaknesses, and believe that even small changes in your thoughts and behavior can have a big impact. Success coaches work with students to develop important skills such as: time management, working in a group, communicating with your professors, learning about self-advocacy, conflict management, and ways to connect with your peers. Our hope is that these tools will help you build important life skills that are in alignment with your personal interests, passions, and goals.