Role of the Principal Investigator

Role of the Principal Investigator or Project Director

 The Principal Investigator (PI) or Project Director (PD) should be familiar with the terms and conditions of the award, particularly the guidelines relevant to hiring personnel, monitoring subrecipients, and procuring goods and services with federal funds.

The PI will consult the University’s policies on travel, purchasing, and reimbursements before expending grant funds. 

The PI will work collaboratively with OSP when a budget reallocation is needed.  OSP will help the PI to prepare revised budgets and the request to the funder.  OSP will submit the requests to the funder.

The PI will prepare a statement explaining the rationale for a no-cost extension, if it is required.  The PI will discuss this request with OSP and OSP will submit the request to the funder.

The PI will monitor the progress of subrecipients and consultants and 1) ensure that they perform the work according to the schedule in the agreement or contract, 2) review and approve invoices submitted to USF, and 3) review and approve time and effort reports from staff and subrecipients.

For multi-year grants, the PI is required to prepare budgets annually.  He or she will also work collaboratively with the subrecipients to prepare their budgets and adjust their statement of work, if required. 

The PI will review the monthly financial reports from the OSP.  He or she will submit expenses in a timely manner, in accordance with the grant budget, and with the appropriate receipts, approvals, and financial back-up.