
Get checked before you leave

Get a complete physical, eye exam and dental check-up before going abroad. The quality of dental and medical care may be different in your country and/or more expensive than similar care would be in the United States.

Travelers intending to visit a destination in a developing country should consult a travel medicine clinic or medical practitioner before the journey. This consultation should preferably take place 4-6 weeks before the journey. Many countries require an immunization certificate for some diseases (yellow fever in particular). Check with the consulate or embassy of all countries you will be traveling in or through to see if this is required. You may obtain immunization certificates from your health care provider, whom you should also consult for further information on immunizations.

Where can I receive necessary immunizations?

You are strongly encouraged to consider immunizations for all diseases endemic to the area of travel (if immunizations are available).

Further Information

For more information regarding travel health, please visit the following websites: