Pillars & Goals


Our strategic goals:

  • RESOURCES: Students, faculty, and staff know and understand the different sexual misconduct response resources and feel comfortable using them.

  • EDUCATION: Students are educated annually on sexual violence prevention and grow their cumulative knowledge and mastery of bystander intervention during their time at USF. 

  • COLLABORATION: There is regular collaboration on sexual violence prevention and education efforts with the Sexual Violence Resource Advocate, the Cultural Centers, and other campus offices, and departments, in order to foster inclusive and intersectional programming and events. 

  • COMMUNICATION: Students, faculty, and staff feel knowledgeable about sexual violence prevention and education efforts on campus. 

  • ENGAGEMENT: Student leaders are highly trained to recognize and respond to instances of sexual disrespect and there are regular opportunities for USF students to be involved with Title IX, REPS, and other campus resources.