Yoga as Healing Interest Form

How to Register for the Program

If you are interested in participating in YaH please take a moment to review the dates and times of the sessions to see if YaH will fit into your schedule.  Note we intentionally keep YaH to 12-14 participants.

1) Please complete the interest Questionnaire located on this website

a. Once you complete the questionnaire your contact information will be sent to the Coordinator for YaH

b. You will receive an introductory letter along with an intake form

2) Please complete, scan and send the form to by February 28, 2020 or you may drop off to the UC the 5th floor front desk: address to YaH Coordinator/Drey. Applications received after 2/28 will be placed on the waitlist for Fall 2020.

3) Sign up for the in person 30min interview here.  If you should have any issues please email

Interviews are held March 4-6 at the UC 5th floor.

Due to the limited space in the program interview times are designated to these times slots only. If you are unable to complete your application by 2/28 or sign up for an interview please consider applying for Fall 2020.

Program begins March 18 .

Yoga as Healing sessions and dates