In Memoriam: Brian Vannice

Update: An outdoor memorial service will be held for Brian Vannice on February 28th. Please meet at Welch Field/Fulton Street Entrance to Kalmanovitz Hall at 4:30 pm when we will walk to the USF Peace Garden behind Toler Hall.

We are saddened to announce the passing of Professor Brian Vannice, a part-time faculty member at USF for over 30 years. During that time, Brian taught in the Communications Studies and Rhetoric and Language departments. Most recently, he taught courses in public speaking and public relations. 

Faculty and staff remember Brian as a beloved community member, appreciated by students and colleagues. Cathy Gabor, acting associate dean for arts and humanities, recalls his engaging laughter, a sentiment echoed by long-time colleague and friend Rob Boller, who shared, “Beyond being a great teacher, he was a great person who saw the best in others. He was bright, caring, optimistic, and had a booming and infectious laugh.”

At a small memorial service held by the Department of Rhetoric and Language, colleagues shared memories and heartfelt words about Brian:

Brian loved being a professor and loved teaching at USF. He brought great enthusiasm to his courses each day and was a high-energy professor. He was a diligent teacher who cared about the little things and ways always open to new ideas and pedagogy. I don't think he ever missed a semester.

Brian was highly collaborative and played a key role in the development of Public Speaking, such as refining course learning outcomes, choosing textbooks, sharing speech assignments, openly discussing challenges we face as teachers, and many of his students performed in the Speaker Showcase throughout the years.

Brian was a supportive, humorous and empathic person who always asked me about my family and daughter. He laughed easily. He took great interest in others and found time for coffee and a short chat between classes.”

Patrick McDonnell

Brian and I had a mighty long collegial history together at USF. In the first couple of decades, we communicated frequently about courses, student issues, union activities, and so much more. He was steadfast in showing up to support me either in my role as teacher, union rep, and even as mom. Although in this last decade-plus we have had less contact, when we did connect he always wanted to know how I'd been and always asked about my daughters. 

I cannot believe I will no longer hear the lovely sound of his voice, his laughter or his insightful musings. My heart aches for his family, friends, colleagues and students. He will be very missed.” 

Lynn Perkins

Brian was such a light and an amazing support to his students. He was always working to make his classes engaging and up-to-date pedagogically. His last day of class tended to include a table full of (individually wrapped) treats and such encouragement for the future for everyone in the room. He will truly be missed.”

Julie Sullivan

Our prayers and condolences go out to Brian’s family, colleagues, friends, and students. May he rest in peace.

—University Ministry