I-LEAD over an image of the parkland activist in the march for our lives

Over the past few years, we have witnessed a global crisis in leadership and the current COVID-19 pandemic reveals the lack of vision and skills of those in power to create a just society for all.  The urgent need to form citizens who look beyond the limits of their privileges, through inclusivity and solidarity, that become "magis" students, that is to say, those who seek "the most and the best" for the common good of our societies and Common Home, especially those who have been systematically violated. As Fr. Luis Ugalde, S.J., said "we do not want to form successful professionals for failed societies". 

With this in mind, we are excited to present the I-LEAD program!

I-LEAD stands for the Ignatian Leaders Engaging in Action and Discernment. It is a USF-created leadership program based on the Ignatian Pedagogy (context, experience, reflection, action, and evaluation) for undergraduate students at USF, and also students from other Jesuit Universities in the world.

The mission of the I-LEAD program is to form conscious, critical, competent, compassionate, and committed leaders, based on Ignatian spirituality and pedagogy, with the aim of transforming the structures of society, through discernment, action, evaluation, and the use of practical tools.


This is your opportunity to be an agent of change starting with the USF community. Joining the I-LEAD Program allows you to:    

  • Learn to be an Ignatian leader who works for the common good of societies. A leader who promotes dialogue, participation, critical thinking, and committed action.
  • Gain a general knowledge of the Society of Jesus, Ignatian spirituality, and pedagogy.
  • Develop a critical awareness of the global and local context in which they are immersed, from the perspective of social justice and equity.
  • Learn methodologies for decision-making through community dialogue, teamwork, and solidarity.
  • Develop professional skills for effective communication, advocacy, project management, and collaborative participation.
  • Assess our actions, knowledge, skills and leadership, in order to improve our formation in decision making.
  • Meet and work with students from Jesuit Universities around the world.

How is it structured?

I-LEAD will consist of six to eight sessions, and a retreat. Meetings will happen synchronically online, with asynchronous activities, and resources. There will be an international collaboration with foreign students and the participation of our local and international partners. The following contents will be addressed:  

  • Ignatian Leadership & Pedagogy
  • Analysis of Reality & Critical Thinking 
  • Community Engagement 
  • Digital Activism 
  • Art Activism 
  • Fundraising & Project Advocacy 
  • Ignatian Discernment & decision making