Arrupe Joins the Climate Strike

In his groundbreaking letter to the world (encuclical) entitled Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home, Pope Francis called on all of humanity to change how we care for the Earth, our “common home.” 

At USF Arrupe Initiative we are committed to climate justice, understanding that the climate crisis is not separate from the social crisis we are living, but are actually the same thing. 

We invite our students and our community to join us today to fight for justice and demand climate action, keeping in mind that systemic and communal actions are more impactful than individual ones. 

Join the Strike!

On Friday, Sept. 20 and Friday, Sept. 27, for example, adults and students around the world will leave their workplaces and schools to participate in two global climate strikes. A week of action is planned between the two strikes. Millions are expected to join in the actions and strikes from more than 1,000 locations in the U.S. and in 150 countries around the world, a spokesperson from U.S. Youth Climate Strike Coalition says. 

Get to Know your Representatives.

Know elected officials' track records help you make an informed vote during elections. And avoid voting a climate denier into office. The non-partisan research organization Vote Smart has an app called OnPoint, which allows people to learn about their congressional member's votes on certain issues like climate change. On the app, environmental advocacy groups such as Greenpeace and Environment America rate each member on climate change issues. The app also compiles statements made by politicians from social media, during press conferences, and in debates. For state and local races, check out Vote411's voter guide, which contains information about ballot measures, as well as candidates' positions on a variety of issues. You can also see candidates answer questions about topics important to them and your community, so you can note if they prioritize climate change in their answers. 

Demand Action!

Send a letter to your Senators asking them to support The International Climate Accountability Act (S. 1743) which calls on the United States to make a plan to meet emissions standards set by the Paris Climate Agreement.

Check out the Ignatian Solidarity Network Template

Pick one of four collective actions to reduce your institution’s carbon emission on September 20, 2019 (and continuously)

  • Electricity: Shut off lights across campus for one hour.
  • Transportation: Plan a walk, bike, public transit, or carpool to a campus event.
  •  Agriculture: Serve only plant-based meals in the cafeteria.
  • Carbon Sequestration: Plant a tree or trees on campus or in your community.

Why these actions? According to the EPA, three of the largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States are from burning fossil fuels for electricity (27.5 %), transportation (28.9%), and agriculture (9%). Each of the suggested actions addresses one of these areas and will have the greatest impact on reducing carbon emissions for the day. In addition to reducing carbon emissions, we also need to capture carbon that is already in the atmosphere which is why we are asking campuses to consider planting trees. 

At the Arrupe Office, we believe that the best way to change the world is by opening your heart and mind and stepping out of your comfort zone. We invite our students to join the Appalachia Immersion where they will explore the impacts on communities made in order to harvest Appalachia's coal, natural gas, and wind to feed the energy needs of the region, nation, and the world. Participants gain an appreciation for the complexity of these issues and perform a valuable service centered around the environment.  The unique and objective education, coupled with daily reflections, resulting in a "call to action."

Stand in solidarity with those communities most affected by climate change in the US, and engage in conversations that will change the world. 

students holding environmental justice signs