Fleishhacker Archives


Realizing Janet and Mortimer Fleishhacker’s intentions for the Fleishhacker Endowment for Philosophy at the University of San Francisco, Philosophy Department faculty – always with acknowledged gratitude to our donors – offer philosophically important lectures, symposia, colloquia, conferences, and research for the benefit of USF’s students, the advancement of philosophy at USF, and for the edification of the public. The generosity of Janet and Mortimer continues to bear philosophical fruit via USF’s Philosophy Department. As Socrates aptly noted millennia ago, “the unexamined life is not fit for a human being.” With this in mind, availing itself of the Fleishhacker endowment and with cura personalis for USF students, the philosophy department aspires to exemplify, animate, and support the wisdom-seeking life.


The Fleishhacker Chair in Philosophy at the University of San Francisco is an endowment, given in memory of the late Janet and Mortimer Fleishhacker. Janet (former Chair of the Board of Trustees) and Mortimer (former Chair of the Board of Regents) were both greatly admired friends and benefactors of the University of San Francisco. The funds generated by this endowment are to be used for the general enhancement and promotion of the study and discussion of philosophy and for the stimulation of philosophical dialogue and debate at the University of San Francisco.

The purpose of the Fleishhacker endowment may be fulfilled through a variety of activities. These may include within a given year one or more of the following activities: underwriting or supplementing, in whole or in part, the salary of a permanent member of the Faculty who has been designated as the Fleishhacker Professor of Philosophy; the salary, in whole or in part, of a distinguished Visiting Professor; the sponsorship of symposia, colloquia, or conferences at the University, which focus on philosophical subjects; and programs to attract more students to study philosophy at USF.

The Fleishhacker endowment recognizes that philosophy is a broad, dynamic, and always evolving discipline. Therefore, the funds generated by the principle of the endowment are intended, in accordance with the original purpose stated above, to be used in ways that support and respond to the expansive nature of the discipline and its role at the University of San Francisco in service of students and members of the community at large.

Partial History of the Fleishhacker Chair in Philosophy 

  • 1981-1984, USF Fleishhacker Chair of Philosophy, Desmond FitzGerald, Professor 
  • 1986-1989, USF Fleishhacker Chair of Philosophy, Robert Cunningham, Professor 
  • 1990-1991, USF Fleishhacker Chair of Philosophy, Andrew Woznicki, Professor  
  • 1992-1993, USF Fleishhacker Chair of Philosophy, Barbara MacKinnon, Professor
  • 1995-1996, USF Fleishhacker Chair of Philosophy, Raymond Dennehy, Professor 
  • 1999-2000, USF Fleishhacker Chair of Philosophy, David Stump, Professor 

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