Exit Interview 1. Demographic Information 1. Information: Student's Passport Legal Name: Student's ID#: 2. Academic Term you started: Select Semester - Select -FallSpringSummer Enter Year 3. Student’s Academic Year: First-Year Sophomore Junior Senior Graduate 4. Did you transfer to USF from another U.S. school? Yes No 5. Do you need to take AEM class when you started at USF? Yes No 6. Gender: Male Female 7. GPA: 3.51-4.0 3.01-3.5 2.51-3.0 2.01-2.5 Below 2.0 Other… Enter other… 9. Year Graduated High School: 10. Major or Graduate Program: 10. Major or Graduate Program: 10. Major or Graduate Program: Item weight Add more items more items 13. Country of Citizenship: 14. Visa Type: 15. Exit Situation: Transfer out to a new school (show Transfer school info after clicking) Leave of Absence Withdrawal Other (please specify): Enter other… 2. Transfer School Information 1. Transfer School Location: In state Out state 2. Transfer School/Program Type: ESL/language training program Community/junior college Public 4-year university Private 4-year university Public graduate school program Private graduate school program For-profit educational institution 3. ISSS Exit Interview (continued) 1. Reason for leaving USF (check all that apply): Financial Aid Difficulty Student/Institution Fit Curriculum/Major/Advising Student Involvement/Social Connection Health Emergency/Unforeseen Circumstance Judicial Sanction Academic Disqualification Other (please specify): Enter other… 2. Why are you leaving USF? (Prompt: family, financial, major/advising) 3. Are you considering returning to USF? If so, can USF do anything to help your transition back to school? 4. What can you tell me about your time at USF? Was it positive? Negative? If so, how? If not why? 5. Is there anything you want to make sure that USF knows or understands about the student experience that might be helpful for our incoming students? Leave this field blank