Roommate and Carpool Form

In order to assist you in your search for housing and/or carpooling opportunities within the Bay Area, the Admissions Office will collect information from interested Fall 2024 first-year and continuing law students. If you would like to participate, please fill out the form below as soon as possible. A compiled list will be made available to those who complete the form beginning May 24, 2024.

Best time to contact
I am currently looking for an apartment
I currently have an apartment
Interested in sharing with
I am a
I prefer to live with
I prefer to study
I prefer to
I am a
I prefer to live with
I can afford a monthly rent of
I prefer to live with
I would like to be contacted by second and third year USF Law students who have housing opportunities available or who are seeking roommates
During the school year I would like to carpool
I am willing to share commuting expenses:
I am willing to share driving responsibilities:
The University of San Francisco School of Law Admissions Office has my permission to release the carpool and/or housing information provided by me to other USF law students for Fall 2024.