Administrative Announcements November 30 - December 4, 2015

Administrative Announcements November 30 - December 4, 2015


Spring 2016 Externship Applications are due Thursday, December 3, 2015. Updated Spring 2016 Externship Applications will be available online and in the Externship Programs Office (KN 235) in early October.Questions, please call 415-422-4467 or email

Keta Taylor Colby Death Penalty Project 

Application Open!

The Keta Taylor Colby Death Penalty Project was established by Professor Steve Shatz to involve law students in the interim reform, and ultimate abolition, of the death penalty in the United States. Directed by Professor Amy Flynn, the principal program of the project has been the Southern Internship Program, which each summer sends law students to work with capital defense attorneys in the South.

The 2016 program will include up to 12 students from USF and UC Berkeley School of Law.  After four training sessions in March and April, the program will run fromMay 31 to August 5, 2016.

This program is open to students who have completed at least one year of law study as a full-time student prior to the summer.  Applications for the program may be submitted beginning November 15, 2015 through January 15, 2016. A student wishing to apply should submit the following by email to Professor Flynn at

  • A cover letter describing his or her interest in participating in the program;
  • A current resume; and
  • A law school grade report, if available.
  • More information is available on the School of Law website at

    Please email if you have any additional questions.

    Law Library

    Zief Therapy Dogs Are Back!Come to the Student Commons area on the main level for some dog time!  Volunteers from the SPCA's Assisted Animal Therapy program will be here at the following times:

    Wednesday, December 2nd at 2pm – 3:30pm

    Friday, December 4th at 11am – 12:30pm

    Tuesday, December 8th at 10am – 11:30am

    Thursday, December 10th at 2pm – 3:30pm

    Drop by any time for some stress relief during Reading/Exam Period! Questions, contact Donna Williams, dswilliams@usfca.edu415-422-2243.

    Office of the Registrar

    Last Day of Class & Upcoming Administrative Dates

    Tuesday, December 2nd is an Administrative Thursday.  Tuesday classes do not meet on this day, instead Thursday classes meet..

    The last day of fall classes, Wednesday, December 3rd, is an Administrative Friday.  On this day Wednesday classes will not meet and all Friday classes will meet instead.

    If neither you nor your professor believe that you will be able to complete your work for a class, Writing Requirement, or Directed Research project by the last day of class for the fall term (December 3, 2015), you must request an incomplete from Assistant Dean Benhardt by completing the following steps:

    1.     Fill out a Petition for Incomplete form (available at or in the Registrar’s Office).

    2.     Obtain your professor’s signature on the form.

    3.     Submit the form to the Dean’s Office to the attention of Assistant Dean Benhardt for her review. (Professors are not allowed to submit the form for you).

    Steps 1-3 must be completed by the last day of classes (December 3, 2015) in order to be considered.  Failure to submit the paperwork by this deadline may result in the professor grading the work completed thus far, which could result in a grade of No Credit, or an “F” grade.

    If your petition is approved, the designation “incomplete” will be entered on your transcript in lieu of a grade for the course for that semester. Incompletes must be completed by the following (fall/spring) semester.  No credit will be received until the coursework has been satisfactorily completed, at which time the “incomplete” will be replaced with the final credit designation submitted by your instructor.  Failure to complete the coursework will result in a final designation of “no credit”.

    For more information about “Incomplete” courses, please refer to the Student Handbook, Section 10.3.

    Last Day to Withdraw from Individual Class(es)
    December 3rd  is also the last day to file an Incomplete Petition and to withdraw from individual classes with instructor’s permission (a neutral grade of “W” will appear on the transcript).  In order to withdraw, complete a Change of Schedule Form, indicating a check box under the “Withdraw” column, and obtain the professor’s signature (approval to withdraw).  The form must be submitted to the Law Registrar’s Office on 4/29 (via email to:, fax to: (415) 422-4199, or in person to Kendrick Hall, 220.

    Final Examination Room Assignment Information

    A schedule posting the room assignment (in alphabetic order by student’s last name) will be posted on the bulletin boards between each class.  This sheet will list the date and time of each in-class final examination, and the alpha division allocated to that room.  ( note that most examinations are broken up into at least two rooms as students are required to sit ever other seat.)  Please review this information prior to your examinations so you are aware of where to go the day and time of your examination.  The final examination room assignments will also be posted on the Registrar’s web page by the end of the day (11/30/2015).

    Fall 2015 Final Exam Numbers & Software Issued
    Fall 2015 anonymous 6-digit exam numbers were emailed to all students’ USF email accounts the week of November 23rd, along with exam software information.  Students may need to re-download their ExamSoft software, and must download their individual in-class (proctored exams) examination files  in advance of the examination date, in order to access their exams for the semester.  Please contact the Law Registrar’s Office, or the Law ITS Office with any questions.

    Take-home & Take-Out Examination  Email Instructions
    Instructors giving take-home / take-out examinations for their courses determine the date the examination can be released, the duration of the examination, and the final date that the examination must be submitted. Students should direct all questions about exams to the Law Registrar’s Office (not your professor – which would break anonymity). The Law Registrar’s Office will send a subsequent email  this week, the week of November 30th, with the specific instructions for each course that has a take-home or take-out examination. The email will include instructions on how and when to download (if applicable) and upload the take-home / take-out examination using the ExamSoft Take-home Assignment DropBox.  Note when downloading a take-home examination from the ExamSoft Assignment DropBox feature, the timer clock starts immediately once downloaded (i.e. the exam begins once downloaded).  Do not download the take-home examination file examination unless you are ready to take it.

    Final Paper Email Instructions (that are Collected by the Law Registrar’s Office)
    The Law Registrar’s Office will send a subsequent email the week of November 30th with the specific instructions for each course that has a final paper that will be collected by the Law Registrar’s Office electronically (via ExamSoft). The email will include instructions on how to upload your final paper using the ExamSoft Assignment DropBox feature.

    Exam Policies
    The following exam polices govern exams given at the law school:  All students are held to these policies, even if they have not read them. Please note that students are not allowed to use or check their cell phones during the exam (including time spent out of the exam room during a bathroom break, etc.) until all exams are collected. 

    Examinations Emergencies
    If you experience a pending illness or other examination emergency should notify the Law Registrar’s Office immediately, as soon as you are aware of the condition/situation.  Do Not contact your professor for any reason (as this may count as an examination violation).  Additional information and emergency procedures are defined in the Examination Policies and Procedures (  Note that approved rescheduled examinations due to an emergency, are never given early; they arepostponed.

    Questions? Contact the Law Registrar’s Office at: (415) 422-6778 or