Office of Sponsored Programs

The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) encourages and supports USF faculty and staff in their pursuit of federal, state, and local funding for research and institutional contracts and grants.

OSP helps faculty and staff identify prospective funding opportunities, interpret federal and state agency guidelines, develop realistic budgets, complete application requirements, and prepare competitive proposals.

OSP also provides post-award support to faculty and staff to help them manage their grants and contracts by providing financial information, interpreting agency requirements, and helping them to request approvals for no-cost extensions and budget reallocations.

Submit a proposal General Inquiry Form

The assistance offered by the OSP staff includes:


  • Identifying possible funding resources
  • Completing necessary forms, assurances, certifications, and letters of support
  • Reviewing proposals for formatting, accuracy, and adherence to agency objectives
  • Preparing proposal applications online and submitting them electronically
  • Developing budgets that comply with agency and University guidelines
  • Clarifying agency policies and procedures
  • Acting as a liaison to the funding agency


  • Assisting with the timely submission of interim and final reports
  • Requesting approval for budget reallocations
  • Drawing down funds or invoicing funders
  • Preparing subaward agreements for institutional partners
  • Ensuring timely payment of subawardees
  • Requesting approval for no-cost extensions from the funding agency

Please note,  the Office of Sponsored Programs requires that finalized proposals along with relevant documents be submitted with all USF approvals no later than twenty (20) business days prior to the sponsor deadline.