
Professional Certificate Budget Policy

This policy outlines the framework for developing a comprehensive budget for a professional certificate (Cert B) course, incorporating target enrollment, administrative fees, marketing and breakeven analysis to ensure financial sustainability and program success.

Budget Policy

Budget Template

Professional Certificates are required to create a certificate revenue FOAP. Enrollment fees, instructor pay and other marketing and administrative expenses will be pulled from this account. Please contact Leslie Blakeman if the program of origin does not have a Professional Certificate FOAP setup, she can assist with development.

Program, College and University revenue splits happen during fiscal year end. Enrollment revenues should be tracked and accounted for accordingly.

Professional Certificate Enrollment Policy

To ensure efficient processing and organization of professional certificate enrollments, this policy establishes a deadline for accepting applications and enrollments. Applications for professional certificate programs will not be accepted within ten days prior to the start date of the certificate program.

Enrollment Policy