
Below you will find a list of frequently asked questions about the annual Division of Student Life, Student Leadership Awards. If your question is not answered on this page, please reach out to the Office of Student Engagement (

How can someone be considered for one of the Student Leadership Awards?
In order to be considered, a person must be nominated using the 2025 Student Leadership Award Nomination Form. The nomination form opens on February 10, 2025.

What awards can I nominate someone for?
See a full list of available awards, their description, and eligibility requirements »

How do I nominate someone?
Nominations are available through an online nomination form.

Who can be nominated for the awards?
All eligibility requirements are listed within each award description. Only undergraduate and graduate students at the University of San Francisco are eligible to be recognized by these awards.

Can I nominate myself?
Yes. Self-nominations are entirely appropriate and should be written in the first person.

Can I nominate a person for multiple awards using one nomination statement?
Yes. Nominators can use one nomination statement to nominate their nominee for multiple awards.

Can I submit multiple nominations for one person?
Yes. Nominators can submit as many nominations as they would like. The selection committee reviews all nominations for each nominee.

What if I don’t know the contact information of the Nominee?
If you are in need of additional information regarding the person you would like to nominate, simply ask them! If you want to keep your nomination a secret and are in need of their email, contact the Office of Student Engagement (

How do I know if the person I am nominating is eligible to receive the award?
All eligibility requirements are listed with the awards and their descriptions, as outlined in the first frequently asked question. To properly nominate someone, you will need to minimally know their email address and their class standing (First-year, Sophomore, Junior, etc.). If you are unsure of what your nominee’s class standing is, reach out to the nominee or contact the Office of Student Engagement (

How long should a nomination be?
Nominations do not have a minimum or maximum length. Length is often dependent on the number of awards you would like the nominee to be considered for.

What does a quality nomination look like?
A well-rounded nomination will include the following:

  • Clear and specific examples of how the nominee has embodied the award description
  • Compelling statements that showcase the positive impact of the nominee’s engagement while attending the University of San Francisco.
  • Congruence between our University values and mission and the values and mission of the nominee

Typically, quality nominations range from 1–2 pages to artfully illustrate the nominee’s outstanding leadership. However, there is no minimum or maximum length for nomination statements.

Will my nomination be shared with the person I am nominating?
Each nominator has the ability to choose what information is shared with their nominee prior to submitting their nomination. However, upon submitting the nomination, the nominee will be immediately notified via email of their nomination, with respect to the nominator's preference. 

When are nominations due?
All nominations are due on Monday, March 3, 2025. Late submissions will not be accepted.

Who is on the Selection Committee?
The selection committee is comprised of representatives from various departments within the Division of Student Life as well as undergraduate and graduate students who have been pre-selected based on their leadership role on campus.

How does the selection committee make its decision for each award?
The selection process is influenced by the following factors:

  • Quality of Nominations
  • Number of Nominations
  • Match towards the intended purpose of the award

When and how will the winners be notified?
Nominees who are selected as the 2025 Student Leadership Award recipients will be notified early April via email.

How will the 2025 award recipients be honored?
Each year, the award recipients are honored at the annual Division of Student Life, Student Leadership Awards Ceremony. There will be a virtual announcement sent to all members of the USF community (staff, faculty, and students) in mid-May as well as featured space on our main page. Graduating award recipients are also included in the official university commencement program book.