Intellectual Wellness
Intellectual wellness recognizes creative abilities and encourages us to find ways to expand our knowledge and skills. Intellectual wellness can be developed through personal and professional development, cultural involvement, community involvement and personal hobbies.
Intellectual wellness resources:
- The Major/Minor Fair is designed to give all undergraduate students the opportunity to explore the different majors, minors, and other programs USF offers and to talk directly to faculty experts within each field of study.
- All of our programs produced by our student interns are centered in learning outcomes rooted in our values of community, empowerment, intersectionality, growth, and solidarity. Each program is intended to stimulate the growth and learning of the students who attend as they engage in curriculum based in the intersections of race, ethnicity, social class, gender, and sexuality.
- Stress Less Day- offers mental health resources, stress management resources and more.
- Fitness Mentorship Program
- students receive support, guidance, education and training to help prepare them to pass certification testing
- practical experience working with clients
- speaker panels with fitness professionals throughout the Bay Area
- The Orange County Campus has an OC Campus Book Collection that contains required and recommended textbooks for their programs for use by students. For more information, contact Maureen Lu at
- The Bachelor of Science in Nursing program keeps essential books inside of the immersive learning space for students to borrow.
- A book exchange for recreational reading has recently be started.
- For more information, please contact Javier Gutierrez at
- The SDS team teaches students how to request accommodations, write emails to professors and talk to professors.
- SDS also provides assistive technology and education on how to use it.
- The USF Garden serves as a classroom for multiple Environmental and Urban Agriculture classes