Core Advisory Committee


Fall 2024 - SPRING 2025

  • Faculty Co-Chair: Christine Young, Performing Arts & Social Justice and Rhetoric & Language
  • Administrative Co-Chair: Ella Frazer, Director of Assessment and Curriculum Management 
  • Area A Chair: Mark Meritt, Rhetoric & Language
  • Area B Chair: Tracy Benning, Environmental Science
  • Area C Chair: Ana Rojas, English
  • Area D Chair: Nick Leonard, Philosophy
  • Area E Chair: Nora Fisher-Onar, International Studies
  • Area F Chair: Eric Hongisto, Art & Architecture
  • School of Management Rep.: Todd Sayre (through Spring 2025)
  • School of Nursing Rep.: TBD

Questions? Please contact the CAC Co-Chairs. 


The objectives of the Core Advisory Committee are to:

  • give faculty representatives an important voice in the development and implementation of the CORE curriculum
  • make policy recommendations to the Dean of Arts and Sciences about revisions or changes to any aspect of the CORE curriculum
  • oversee the six Core Area Subcommittees established to review new course applications, and to establish procedures necessary for submitting and deleting courses in the CORE and to establish transparent rules for evaluation
  • maintain a liaison with the deans of all schools affected by the CORE Curriculum
  • report regularly to the Policy Board on important issues relating to the CORE
  • undertake assessment of the CORE

IV. 2. By‐Laws of the CORE Advisory Committee (CAC)

I.    Name

This organization shall be known as the CORE Advisory Committee (CAC).

II.    Objectives

The objectives of the CAC shall be

  1. to give faculty representatives an important voice in the development and implementation of the CORE curriculum.
  2. to make policy recommendations to the Provost about revisions or changes to any aspect of the CORE curriculum.
  3. to oversee the six Area Subcommittees established to review new course applications, and to establish administrative procedures necessary for submitting and deleting courses in the CORE and to establish transparent rules for evaluation.
  4. to maintain a liaison with the deans of all schools affected by the CORE curriculum.
  5. to report regularly to the Policy Board on important issues relating to the CORE.

III.    Membership

The CAC shall be composed of the chairs of the six area committees: A. Foundations of Communication, B. Math and Science, C. Humanities, D. Philosophy and Theology and Religious Studies, E. Social Sciences F. Visual and Performing Arts. Additionally, a representative from School of Nursing and School of Management will be recommended by their deans and appointed by the Provost to the CAC and to relevant subcommittees to serve a three-­‐year term. The CAC shall elect a chair in May for the following academic year. Any decisions made by the CAC shall be executed with a simple majority of the CAC. A single faculty member may not represent more than one area simultaneously.

IV.    Meetings of the CAC

The committee shall

  1. meet at least once per semester
  2. discuss and evaluate the current state of the CORE curriculum.
  3. be responsible for maintaining the integrity and coherence of the CORE curriculum.

V.    Subcommittees

The CAC shall establish and maintain six subcommittees for each area of the CORE.
A. Foundations of Communication, B. Math and Science, C. Humanities, D. Philosophy and Theology and Religious Studies, E. Social Sciences F. Visual and Performing Arts.

  • These subcommittees will be composed of the chairs of the departments within each area.
  • Departments may choose to elect a designated member to sit on the CORE subcommittee.

V (1) Responsibilities of the Sub-­‐Committees:

The subcommittees shall have the responsibility

  1. To review all applications of new courses of the CORE. In particular the sub-­‐committee will determine whether
    • the syllabus lists the learning outcomes for the area
    • explains how learning outcomes will be met and
    • assesses and justifies the breadth of the subject.
  2. To meet as needed during the semester to review all recent applications. At a minimum the subcommittee shall review all new courses submitted by the end of the semester.
  3. To recommend acceptance of CORE courses by signing and sending approved courses to the Associate Dean of Academic Effectiveness in the College of Arts and Sciences. The Associate Dean obtains approval from the Provost.
  4. If courses are not approved, the sub-­‐committee will
    • return applications to faculty members with an explanation of why course was not approved, or
    • return applications to faculty members with a request for further revisions. Revised applications may be re-­‐submitted and re-­‐evaluated at a later date.
  5. To consider appeals from faculty members whose courses have been rejected.
  6. To establish and maintain coherent and standardized rules for judging the merit of courses to be included in the CORE.
  7. To approve any changes made to the learning outcomes. Approval shall be made by a simple majority, and are subject to approval by the CAC.
  8. To make policy recommendations to the CAC on any issues which the subcommittees feel need to be addressed in order to strengthen and improve the CORE.
    • Reevaluate courses in the Core, as needed.

VI.    Parliamentary Authority

Robert’s Rules of Order shall be binding at meetings of the CAC and the subcommittees.

VII.    Amendments to the By-­‐Laws

The CAC can amend the By-­‐Laws by a two-­‐thirds vote at any meeting, a quorum being present. Changes in the By-­‐Laws must be approved by the Policy Board.

VIII.    No part of the Core Advisory Board’s By-­‐Laws or proceedings shall stand in contradiction to the Faculty Association’s Constitution, the Faculty Association’s published policy, or the Collective Bargaining Agreement.


The Core Advisory Committee includes six area committees:

  • Area A: Foundations of Communication
  • Area B: Mathematics and the Sciences
  • Area C: Humanities
  • Area D: Philosophy, Theology, and Ethics
  • Area E: Social Sciences
  • Area F: Visual and Performing Arts

Core Advisory Committee Rotation Plan

2023-2024 through 2029-2030

Area A: Foundations of Communication

  • Chaired by the Dept. of Rhetoric and Language

Area B: Mathematics and the Sciences

  • 2023-2024: Computer Science
  • 2024-2025: Environmental Sciences
  • 2025-2026: Kinesiology
  • 2026-2027: Physics
  • 2027-2028: Mathematics and Statistics
  • 2028-2029: Biology
  • 2029-2030: Chemistry

Area C: Humanities

  • 2023-2024: History
  • 2024-2025: English
  • 2025-2026: Languages, Literatures, & Cultures
  • 2026-2027: History
  • 2027-2028: English
  • 2028-2029: Languages, Literatures, & Cultures
  • 2029-2030: History

Area D: Philosophy and Theology

  • 2023-2024: Theology and Religious Studies
  • 2024-2025: Philosophy
  • 2025-2026: Theology and Religious Studies
  • 2026-2027: Philosophy
  • 2027-2028: Theology and Religious Studies
  • 2028-2029: Philosophy
  • 2029-2030: Theology and Religious Studies

Area E: Social Sciences

  • 2023-2024: Communication Studies
  • 2024-2025: International Studies
  • 2025-2026: Media Studies
  • 2026-2027: Politics
  • 2027-2028: Psychology
  • 2028-2029: Sociology
  • 2029-2030: Economics

Area F: Visual and Performing Arts

  • 2023-2024: Performing Arts and Social Justice
  • 2024-2025: Art + Architecture
  • 2025-2026: Performing Arts and Social Justice
  • 2026-2027: Art + Architecture
  • 2027-2028: Performing Arts and Social Justice
  • 2028-2029: Art + Architecture
  • 2029-2030: Performing Arts and Social Justice