Retreats and Workshops
Weekly Writing Teams
Over 100 CAS faculty have participated in weekly writing teams. This is not a peer critique process, but a structured program designed to support research and writing throughout the semester. Faculty choose their own days and hours. The team is simply comprised of people who sign up for the same block of times. At the start of each semester, an email with a sign up form is sent out.
Saturday Writing Retreats
Each semester, CAS offers three Saturday all day writing retreats. Meet new colleagues, get addicted to writing in teams. Free breakfast and lunch provided. Look for email announcements for signing up.
Faculty Development Luncheons and Workshops
Throughout the academic year, the schools and college sponsor special Faculty Development Luncheons and Workshops. These events provide an opportunity for faculty to come together to learn about and discuss matters related to research and scholarship.
Center for Research, Artistic, and Scholarly Excellence (CRASE)
CRASE serves the entire campus and regularly offers research, writing, and publishing workshops, along with collaborative Faculty Research Circles, of direct interest to CAS faculty.