Handshake FAQ
The Career Services Center is excited to invite you to join Handshake - our new online career management platform!
What is Handshake?
Handshake is USF’s new online career management platform. On Handshake you can find jobs and internships, register to attend events and workshops on campus, and schedule appointments with USF career counselors.
How do I access Handshake?
You can get to Handshake through the link on the Career Services Center’s MyUSF page, or simply go to https://usfca.joinhandshake.com. You can login using the single-sign-on system that uses the same username and password you use to access MyUSF.
When configuring your single-sign-on, be sure to use your @usfca.edu e-mail address, NOT @dons.usfca.edu. If you use @dons.usfca.edu your set-up process will not work.
Don’t forget to bookmark the Handshake login page!
What about DonsCareers?
DonsCareers was the old platform where you would look for jobs and internships, register for career services events like on campus interviews, etc. Handshake is replacing DonsCareers starting June 1, 2017.
Never used DonsCareers? No problem! Starting fresh with Handshake will be easy and intuitive.
Can I still access my documents (e.g. resumes), favorites, and saved searches from DonsCareers?
DonsCareers will remain live through June 30, 2017. After that all access will be removed, so be sure to download and documents you will need access to before June 30. Favorites and saved searches will not be transferred to Handshake, though the platform has these functionalities. You can easily set them up by logging into your Handshake account.
Now’s a good time to refresh your resume - visit us for drop in hours or make an appointment if you need help!
I’m an alum. How do I log in?
Please go to https://usfca.joinhandshake.com and request an account. If you request an account using your @usfca.edu e-mail it will be automatically approved, otherwise approval of your account will take a few days.
I still have questions. What should I do?
If you need help you are welcome to call the Career Services Center at 415-422-6216, email careerservices@usfca.edu or come to UC 5th floor and someone will assist you.