Methods of Funding

FOAP: If your student organization has been approved for funding via the ASUSF Finance Committee or has available funds in a USF student organization financial account, EM&GS will work with Student Leadership and Engagement (SLE) to transfer funds to cover your expenses within the established budget.

Flexi Donations: Students with a flexi meal plan are allowed to donate flexi meal plan money towards the catering cost of an on-campus student organization event. To raise flexi donations, you can request a Flexi Donation form from EM&GS. On the form, EM&GS will put an end date (to not exceed three weeks) for you to raise the funds. The form must be submitted back to EM&GS no later than 5 business days prior to the event, and by the end date on the form.  For example, if you have an event in May, you can begin fundraising in September-so long as your forms are turned in within the end date on the form (i.e., 3 weeks from start of fundraising). All flexi donations are non-refundable, must be used by the end of the academic year, and require a minimum $10 donation. The maximum donation is determined by a formula; you can only donate if your flexi balance is equal to or exceeds $100 x the remaining weeks in the academic year. If funds raised do not match established budget, EM&GS will adjust your catering order to match the funds raised. Illegible donations will not be counted.

Cash/Credit/Check: In some cases, student organizations need to pay via cash/credit/check. If this is the case, please speak with your Event Manager, who will process this form of payment.

Events Management & Guest Services

2130 Fulton St.
McLaren 200
San Francisco, CA 94117

Hours of Operation:
M-F, 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m.
Daily, 7:30 a.m.–11:30 p.m.

(415) 422-6166

(415) 422-6898
