CeDiploma/CeCredential FAQ

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Enter the CeDiD into the first text box, followed by entering the first two letters of the student name (as it appears on the credential) in the second text box. Finally, click the "Validate" button.  

A CeDiploma is for electronic use only. A CeDiploma can be viewed using Adobe Reader/ Acrobat 9.0 or higher and cannot be printed, but can always be shared.

Currently a CeDiploma is only available for Fall 2019 graduates and forward. 

The CeDiploma will be available approximately 4-6 weeks after your degree has been posted to your record. You will receive an email notification when a CeDiploma is available to be downloaded.

Yes, you can download a digitally signed copy of your CeDiploma. You can then email it to anyone you desire.

There are two ways to validate your electronic diploma (this is noted on the second page of the diploma).

Validate through the University of San Francisco authentication web site by clicking the link on the second page of the CeDiploma and typing the necessary information where indicated.

If you are using Adobe Reader or Acrobat 9.0 or higher, you will be able to view the digital signature which is part of the overall security of the document, detailed on the second page of the CeDiploma.

Note: Other PDF/digital readers and some mobile devices may not be able to read the digital signature.

In order to ensure that your digital signature can be properly read, make sure to update your AATL trusted certificates in the Trust Manager of Adobe Reader or Acrobat. To do this in Adobe Acrobat DC, go to Edit => Preferences => Trust Manager. Then, in the section for Automatic Adobe Approved Trust List (AATL) updates, click the Update Now button.

CeCredential Trust is the branded name of the digital signature that the University of San Francisco’s vendor uses to digitally sign the CeDiploma.

The CeDiploma is best viewed in Adobe Acrobat or Acrobat Reader. Some features may not be available when viewed in a web browser’s default viewer. Change the default viewer in your web browser so that it uses Adobe Reader or Acrobat.

Note for Mac users: When viewing an official electronic credential from the University of San Francisco, the software uses Adobe’s secure certified PDF technology and therefore may only be viewed using the free Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat 9.0 or higher. The default Mac preview application will not display the document correctly.

Requests from current or former students with unmet financial obligations to the University cannot be honored. To resolve such holds, please contact Student Financial Services by calling 415-422-2571 or emailing studentaccounts@usfca.edu 

The CeDiploma has printing disabled so it cannot be printed. Your CeDiploma is official as long as it is digital. If you print it, it cannot be validated or used as an official document.

For more frequently asked questions please visit the CeCredential Trust FAQs(link is external).

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