Go Start Challenge


January 1-31, 2021

Create a habit and maintain it for the month, with the goal of carrying on throughout the year!

How to Play

  • Visit GoUSFchallenges.org 
  • Register or log in using your USF email address
  • Find the Go Start Challenge; click "sign up"
  • Starting Jan. 1, a check in button will appear on the challenge page
  • Click "check in" each time you practice your new habit through Jan. 31
  • Tag your challenge photos with #GoStart and #GoUSFCA

Prizes and Incentives

Whatever your goal may be, whether it’s making more time for yourself, exercising more, or reducing stress, change is more effective and lasting with the right plan and attitude.

One effective strategy that you can use is SMART goals, which are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-oriented. SMART goals can help you to better track your progress, set realistic expectations, and get you further along than you could have ever imagined.