IRB Application Content

To help provide more guidance to PIs in their application process, please review the application topics below to help you prepare for your submission to the IRB. 

You will be asked to provide a detailed summary of your proposed study by addressing the following items: 

  • State the purpose of the study/provide the research hypothesis
  • Provide the background; describe any past studies and any relevant experimental or clinical findings that led to the plan for this project
  • Give details for your research plan by providing an orderly scientific description of the intended methodology and procedures as they directly affect the subjects
  • Give the location(s) the study will take place
  • Provide the duration of the study projec

You will need to provide details outlining the participants of your study and planned method(s) of recruitment:

  • Describe who will be included in the study and any inclusion and exclusion criteria
  • Provide the exact age range of participants
  • Describe how participants will be recruited and details of the forms of advertisement for recruitment

You will be asked to provide details about any risks or benefits to your participants: 

  • Provide details of the benefits to participants
  • Provide details about any risks (physical, social, psychological, legal, economic) to participants
  • Share details of any planned use of deception
  • Indicate the degree of risk (minimal or greater than minimal)

Provide any details around compensation to participants: 

  • Will participants be financially compensated for the study; if yes, provide details of amount, type, source of funds
  • If students, will they be offered class credit; if yes, describe what alternative assignment(s) students may complete to get equal amount of credit should they opt out of the study
  • Provided details for any other inducements that would be provided to recruit participants

Provide details on how you plan to maintain confidentiality and data security: 

  • Provide details on any personal identifiers that you plan to collect from participants
  • How will identifiers be translated or protected
  • How will you protect participant confidentiality and secure research documents, recordings and other records

Provide details of how you plan to protect confidentiality for participants: 

  • Will you be using a written informed consent form that participants read and sign or will you be requesting a modification or waiver; provide details of how you will obtain consent
  • Will you be working with minors under the age of 18 and will you be using assent forms
  • If you are requesting a modification or waiver of written consent, provide details on why and what modifications you are planning