Academic Global Immersion

School of Management | Graduate Student Affairs | Academic Global Immersion (AGI)

Participate in a rich, global experience and gain an unparalleled cultural understanding of business practices.

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Academic Global Immersions is a course designed to enhance your skills as a successful manager in today’s global business environment. Academic Global Immersions offer an experience-based course that prepares you for leadership roles where you will engage with people and institutions around the globe.

Travel abroad and participate in projects that will enhance your entrepreneurial experience and prepare you to operate in a more just world of cultural understanding.

Course Details

Academic Global Immersions are offered in January, March, May or June Trips and courses are led by School of Management professors Visit foreign companies and gain a first-hand perspective on their operations and business culture Be guided through the complexities of international business travel by an experienced professor. Past trips have taken USF students to China, Dubai, London, Rome, South America, Spain, Switzerland, and Washington D.C.

*Each year there are a variety of short-term immersions planned, some open to all USF Students, and others for specific schools or student's year of study. Academic Immersions are a collaboration between the different schools and the Center for Global Education.

It is extremely valuable for students to understand cultural challenges and opportunities around the world, and what it is for international companies. Through conversations with business executives the students can try to bridge the gap between what they learn in the classroom and the implications these things have in the real world, the gap between an abstract concept and a place in reality -Mouwafac Sidaoui, Professor

2018 Academic Global Immersions

Rome, Italy

Marco Tavanti <>
Dates: January 7 - 13, 2018

The AGI-Rome Program is an international experiential learning opportunity to help students understand the complexity and best practices of refugee service management and international organizations engaged in humanitarian emergency and correlated policies. The global experiential learning offered in this program centers on the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS)’s mission for service, accompaniment, and advocacy for forced migrants. The School of Management graduate students have benefitted from this experience by integrating their professional managerial learning with their leadership values in order to make a positive social impact and to also assist refugees, forced migrants and trafficking victims in the San Francisco Bay Area and worldwide.

Learn more: 

Consult Syllabus Here: Syllabus_AGI_Rome-2017.pdf


Richard W Stackman <>
Dates: 7 - 16, 2018

The purpose for the AGI is attributed to management scholar Henry Mintzberg who argues that it is far more important for individuals, especially managers, to be worldly. According to Mintzberg, the Pocket Oxford Dictionary definition of “worldly” – “experienced in life, sophisticated, practical” – presents an interesting mixture of words that are best reflective of what we want from managers and leaders within organizations. “All managers function on a set of edges between their own world and those of other people. To be worldly means to get over these edges from time to time, into those worlds – other cultures, other organizations, other functions in their own organization, above all the thinking of other people – so as to understand their own world more deeply. To paraphrase a line by T.S. Eliot that has been overused for good reason, managers should be exploring ceaselessly in order to return home and know the place for the first time. That is the worldly mindset.” [From H. Mintzberg. 2009. Managing. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., p. 212.]

The planned experiences, and thus learning outcomes for the AGI, are rooted in the history and application of OD as well as the Jesuit catholic history. Upon completion of the AGI, students will have a renewed perspective of organization development and its application inclusive of the Jesuit leadership tradition as it pertains to the greater Bay Area and beyond. 

Consult Syllabus Here: Sylabus-England_and_Spain_AGI_.pdf


Mouwafac M Sidaoui <>
Dates: Jan 7-19, 2018

The Abu Dhabi and Dubai in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) immersion is centered on onsite engagement with approximately 15 ‐ 20 companies that are using big data to achieve a business advantage. This course is designed to enhance and extend the content in the business core "Quantitative Analysis" courses. We will use a combination of case studies and hands‐on projects to give you experience in identifying opportunities for leveraging data to support, make, and implement decisions. We will also provide an overview of the key engineering tools used for working with big data, providing an introduction to some of the core projects used for both batch and real‐time data processing. 

Consult Syllabus Here: Syllabus-AGI_Abu_Dabi.pdf

Associate Director for Immersions
(415) 422-2708


Please contact Graduate Student Affairs for upcoming AGI programs.