Office of the Dean of Students


Greetings University of San Francisco Students!

The Office of the Dean of Students is a central place for you and other members of the University community to receive assistance with navigating the complex issues of student life.  The staff of the Office of the Dean of Students provides support to address barriers to your success and well-being. Our office is a place where every student can come for the advice or assistance they need.

The Office of the Dean of Students is here to encourage and facilitate your personal and interpersonal growth, development, and well-being at USF by fostering an environment that is caring, supportive, inclusive and nurturing. The Office of the Dean of Students is committed to the concept of cura personalis, or care of the whole person-body, mind and spirit that is inherent in Jesuit education. The idea of cura personalis is essential to the work we do with you and other community members. It informs our ability to be:

  • Your Advocate;
  • Your Voice; and
  • Your Guide

Through collaboration with campus partners we aim to create learning conditions that facilitate the realization of your personal and academic goals. Take full advantage of the resources that are available to you. Our office and our other Student Life partners are all here for you.

The Office of the Dean of Students hopes that your USF experience is transformational, remarkable and affirming as you change the world from here! We also hope to be a significant part of that experience.

GO DONS!!!! 

Dr. Shannon Gary
Associate Vice President of Student Life and Dean of Students