Basic Needs

Basic Needs Text

Basic needs refer to the most essential resources required to thrive as a student including safety, food, housing, financial health and overall wellness (physical, psychological, and spiritual). For students to be active and engaged learners, it is important that their basic needs are met.

By assisting students experiencing basic needs insecurities, USF aims to provide an educational environment that is compassionate and respectful for those in our community enduring these challenges. To accomplish this, the University has created this website to provide information about resources for students who may be experiencing basic needs challenges or concerns.

In the menu to the left you will find available resources to students, which may be located both on- and off-campus. We hope that you are able to utilize the information provided to develop a plan to help you remain successful while pursuing your studies at USF. 

Not sure what state resources are available for you? Check out a comprehensive list of California resources here! 

If you need additional assistance or would like to discuss options in more detail, please email us.

For a comprehensive list of more resources beyond basic needs, please see the USF My Resources Page.